Sunday, January 16, 2011

Police board halted coal train


Police board halted coal train

What's the real deal here?

1. In favour of the protestors round One

Agreed, mining is an antiquated and unecessary process to generate fuel and is damaging to the environment if done to excess, which it has been and continues to be for gold, diamonds, minerals, oil and any other of Earth's riches the greedy thieving Elite Corporates set their avaricious eyes on, none of which are beneficial to the human species in the majority. Wars, slavery, murder, theft of land and sheer terror have been inflicted on the many throughout history to feet the fat controllers' lust for power and control.

There must be a better way.

Indeed there is - several, in fact. Free Energy is a reality and has been since Tesla (and others) reintroduced it in our recent history. Clean, cheap (or free) Earth, People, Animal and Plant-friendly methods of providing abundant, self-sustaining and replenishing fuel are known scientific facts. In fact, the so-called 'UFO's' have been used by covert military for nigh on 60 years. Zero Gravity is reality. Deserts can be transformed into lush oasis, crops can be super-vitalised, providing optimum nutrition and replenishment. Crops like Hemp, once harvested extensively, can provide for many of our needs efficiently, optimum harmony with the ecology of the planet and health of the people. All suppressed, hi-jacked and subverted by those who wish to maintain the power of control.

2. In Opposition to the protestors round Two

Are the protestors objecting to mining for these reasons? No. Are they protesting in order to highlight and promote the 'better ways'? No. They are basing their objections and protests on the spurious propaganda that 'we need to save the Earth because of Global Warming' - they are basing their protests on a fiction. The bundle package based on this fiction is the 'carbon footprint' garbage and the lie of overpopulation calling for depopulation or genocide, to put it bluntly.

Is this ignorance?

If it is, there's no excuse for it. All they have to do is a websearch on the controversy and they'll find at the very least, 100s of objective (i.e. not imbedded whore 'scientist' paid to promote the lie) scientists and their disclaimer(s) against the reality of 'global warming'. Takes one minute to get that far. Unless they are complete morons, let's discount ignorance.

Is this a deliberate propaganda campaign? I'd say so. For what objective(s)?

Like their cohorts demonstrating against the airline industry (yes, the use and wastage of fuel is unecessary for reasons stated in 'Better Way') they are being used, wittingly or otherwise to further the Agenda of the Global Warming Hoax because with Sarkozy's visit to Brown and Queen Liz recently, it sealed the controversial reversal to nuclear power plants and:-

In order to bring to fruition The One World Guv', with it's One World Bank, One World Army, One World Food Distribution and One World Genocide on time, The Club of Rome came up with the brilliant idea of creating the 'Global Warming' scam and blaming it on the people - this was devised in the '70s. Remember Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring'? The people would be drip fed propaganda about Earth's dwindling resources, overpopulation etc. ad naseum through the owned, controlled and ever-obliging media. Environmental groups sprung up as well as The Green Party. Having been fully conditioned, we are now ripe for plucking. An Idea Whose Time Has Come! Currently being subjected to:-

Chronic Fuel Shortages

These are contrived by military invasions to control the supplies of oil-producing countries such as Iraq and simply plugging supply Worldwide via armed control of all available resources, creating shortage and therefore 'market value'

The Knock-On Effects


SME's the largest employers, and reliant on transport will be unable to function effectively, causing massive unemployment whilst driving owners and staff into meltdown stress in trying to 'compete' to stay afloat and keep their jobs. Mortgage repossessions and homelessness increasing. Recession on speed.

The Banks prosper, as do Corporatists who buy up failing businessness for peanuts.

Food: As fuel prices rocket, the mulitinational supermarkets have used the excuse to hike basic foodstuffs (currently at 40% but rising as 'crisis' deepens) hurting the poorest who are not able to obtain basic nutrition. See those big metal shutters outside Sainsburys et al and imagine them shut, as 'no transport' means no food. Rations, queing and war condtions will apply. The campaign to kill off local grocers and farmers has been largely successful through subtefuge via local councils and downright 'corruption' and coercion on traffic parking restrictions, exhorbitant rates and unfair competition from SuperMarkets.

Utilities: Heating, cooking and washing are becoming prohibitive with rising costs in the name of 'energy conservation' or 'green tax'. In addition to 'climate change' caused by super-technologies like H.A.A.R.P for weather 'modification' we are subject to floods, freezing and freak conditions with diminished supplies caused by 'fuel shortages'.

Depopulation: We're so complaint on this one that the population in UK and throughout Western Europe has dropped radically - few people have more than 2 children and many are now infertile due to contamination in vaccines, water and food. However, to counterbalance this obvious fact, a massive influx of refugees since the sixties have served to enforce the ruse of 'diversity' and used the 'civil rights' movement to counterbalance any curbing of reckless Guv policies. Shortages of housing and services are reaching a critical state as no extra accommodation was made for these people.

Overcrowded cities give the impression that there is overpopulation and any hapless commuter will think 'there's too many people'. This optical illusion is reinforced by the bombardment of media disinformation. Like Skinner's rats, overcrowding leads to increased aggression and violence. It isolates people as they attempt to maintain decreasing boundaries and personal space.

The Fact IS: the entire population of the World could probably fit into Texas! There are huge vistas of land which are completely devoid of people. There is massive acreage 'off limits' to people via the land grabs of military, national trust type operations, corporations and the likes of Worldwide Fund for Nature - under the guise of 'con-servation'. It's a huge con and who is it serving? Famers worldwide have been brutalised, forced to submit to 'controls' which kill and injur livestock and crops, forcing bankcruptcy and relinquishing of land coralling rural populations into cities. DARFA, EU, Porton Down et al.

Chemtrails were first spotted in 1997 in this country (by me for one) but had been trialled since the '50s. Since 1997, however, their unwelcome, ugly and dangerous presence has increased to the point that we are under permanent milky swathes of gloom. When Chemtrails form, rain and cold follows. Last Summer never happend - there was snow in June! This summer is similarly cold, grey, bleak and stormy. Chemtrails are a deliberate and clearly visible WMD but most people are so blind, they think they're vapour trails or clouds! Chemtrails kill. Porton Down. Awaiting Guv response on what legislation permits this, who is responsible for these lethal operations and which body actually executes them. As your MP the same questions please, now.

Compulsory Pandemics and Vaccinations: There have been so many 'trial runs' of genetic-specific genocide coctails. We have been drip fed the 'Avian Flu' or 'bird flu' pandemic scare - this will be delivered via air (duh) via CHEMTRAILS. Don't panic, folks, Brown has already announced mobile mortuaries, cremataria, quarantine - compulsory vaccinations will either deliver the virus or finish the job. It's all under control, so just go back to sleep.

Crime: In times of crisis, the intelligent action to ensure survival is to communicate, share and act in co-operation. Since we hardly know or want to know our neighbours due to overcrowding and stress, this ability is diminished.

There are also, the lowest common denominator of psychos in our midst,who are willing, ready and able to take advantage of civil breakdown to meet their own base needs - study New Orleans please. It's a party to these beasts.

Also there is a substantial proportion of our population completely zombified via psychotropic 'medication' who are a pain to live amongst at the best of times. If there dosage is stopped or dropped, the results are life-threatening to others and themselves - they 'freak'. This continguent will freak if the local pizza parlour runs out, or the TV doesn't work - what use are they in a crisis but to exascerbate the crisis?

The worst cases are currently in psychiatric wards completely dosed out, but what when the gates are opened?

In addition, there are military/intelpro mind-controlled slave operatives as 'sleepers' who are programmed to 'wake on command' specifically for the period about to unfold. Use your worst imaginative nightmare scenario and multiply by a factor of 10.

Martial Law: The MOD Think Tank have issued a document (extracts of which were printed in The Guardian) covering the period 2007-2030 anticipating 30 years of riots and civil unrest and their measures of how to counteract such events. No mention was given as to what, exactly, would be the cause for such a docile bunch of jellybeans like the Brits to run rampage.

**STOP PRESS** Indiani is being turned into a 'war zone' for a military war practise

Marines bringing combat training to Indy

By Vic Ryckaert Posted: May 28, 2008

U.S. Marine helicopters will land at the old Eastgate Consumer Mall, Brookside Park and other Indianapolis locations when the city becomes a mock battlefield next week.

About 2,300 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based at Camp Lejeune, N.C., will conduct urban warfare training from Wednesday through June 19 in and around Indianapolis.

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Most of the troops will be deployed at the Indiana State Fairgrounds and the Raytheon facility on Holt Road, said Debbi Fletcher of the Indianapolis/Marion County Emergency Management Agency.

“We don’t want anyone thinking that there’s an invasion happening or that we declared martial law or something like that,” Fletcher said.

The Marines have been cleared by state, federal and local authorities, Fletcher said. The unit’s commander promised to try to keep noise to a minimum and give neighbors plenty of warning.

“Our aim in Indianapolis is to expose our Marines to realistic scenarios and stresses posed by operating in an actual urban community, thereby increasing their proficiency in built-up areas,” Col. Mark J. Desens, commander of the 26th MEU, said in a statement. “While some of the activity will take place around Camp Atterbury, residents in many areas can expect to see helicopters flying overhead, military vehicles on the roads and Marines patrolling on foot,” Desens said.

The Marines will practice firing weapons, conducting patrols, running vehicle checkpoints, reacting to ambushes and employing nonlethal weapons, according to a statement.

In addition to Eastgate and Brookside Park, Indianapolis offered the Marines 24 other training sites, including Raymond Park Middle School, Ellenberger Park, Christian Park, Southeastway Park, the old Bush Stadium and Douglass Park.

However, not all cities are so open to the training. In February, after first canceling scheduled training, Toledo (Ohio) Mayor Carty Finkbeiner invited the Marines to train in the city, but outside the downtown area.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.
Call Star reporter Vic Ryckaert at (317) 444-2761. Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false); function init(){ var pcomm = $('pluckcomments'); if (pcomm) { var iyw = pcomm.down('h3'); var rr = pcomm.down('h5'); var plimg = pcomm.down('div'); rr.remove(); new Insertion.Before(iyw, ' Add your thoughts: Post a comment '); iyw.remove(); plimg.remove(); } } Add your thoughts: Post a comment IndyStar readers have left 109 comments - Join the discussion! Most recent comments:Newest first Oldest first gsl.commentSortOrder= ""; contentID='20080528.indystar.805280444.article.LOCAL18'; contentTitle="Marines bringing combat training to Indy"; contentURL =""; ghost4reality wrote:
To everyone, go google Alan Watt and or Alex Jones. YOU should listen to all interviews you can with BOTH! All world leaders just met in secret in Virginia, and this event was planned for domestic that is DOMESTIC terrorits for uban ware against US!
6/13/2008 9:50:49 PM To everyone, go google Alan Watt and or Alex Jones. YOU should listen to all interviews you can with BOTH! All world leaders just met in secret in Virginia, and this event was planned for domestic that is DOMESTIC terrorits for uban ware against US! ghost4reality To everyone, go google Alan Watt and or Alex Jones. YOU should listen to all interviews you can with BOTH! All world leaders just met in secret in Virginia, and this event was planned for domestic that is DOMESTIC terrorits for uban ware against US!<a href=''><b>ghost4reality</b></a> notacitizen wrote:
This is illegal!!!

Hey IndyStar, why don't you write an article on this and start asking some questions!!!???
6/8/2008 5:50:03 PM This is illegal!!!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Hey IndyStar, why don't you write an article on this and start asking some questions!!!??? notacitizen This is illegal!!!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Hey IndyStar, why don't you write an article on this and start asking some questions!!!???<a href=''><b>notacitizen</b></a> mooreorless wrote:
Yesterday on Indianapolis' westside, two men were shot by assailants who ran away before being identified.
My son, and his wife, were visiting the people in the house behind the shop where the shooting took place. Brian ran to the site after hearing someone yell for help. What he saw has left him shaken and disgusted.
On the ground, a man lay convulsing with multiple gunshot wounds. One was in the man's head and blood was everywhere.
I give this visual to you so that we can better juxstapose another disgusting image of 2400 men in military garb running through our parks and other areas of our community chasing an ethnic group of individuals in a mock war. Grown men
playing war.
We do not need war games in our community. We need "Peace Games".

6/5/2008 12:13:46 PM Yesterday on Indianapolis' westside, two men were shot by assailants who ran away before being identified.<br />My son, and his wife, were visiting the people in the house behind the shop where the shooting took place. Brian ran to the site after hearing someone yell for help. What he saw has left him shaken and disgusted.<br />On the ground, a man lay convulsing with multiple gunshot wounds. One was in the man's head and blood was everywhere.<br />I give this visual to you so that we can better juxstapose another disgusting image of 2400 men in military garb running through our parks and other areas of our community chasing an ethnic group of individuals in a mock war. Grown men<br />playing war.<br /> We do not need war games in our community. We need "Peace Games". <br /> mooreorless Yesterday on Indianapolis' westside, two men were shot by assailants who ran away before being identified.<br />My son, and his wife, were visiting the people in the house behind the shop where the shooting took place. Brian ran to the site after hearing someone yell for help. What he saw has left him shaken and disgusted.<br />On the ground, a man lay convulsing with multiple gunshot wounds. One was in the man's head and blood was everywhere.<br />I give this visual to you so that we can better juxstapose another disgusting image of 2400 men in military garb running through our parks and other areas of our community chasing an ethnic group of individuals in a mock war. Grown men<br />playing war.<br /> We do not need war games in our community. We need "Peace Games". <br /><a href=''><b>mooreorless</b></a> Paladin007 wrote:
Take it easy, boys...this isn't about you...its about the Government's misuse or abuse of power and the Constitution.

These "drills/exercises" are nothing more than martial law/occupation training. Specifically, checkpoints violate the 4th Amendment. Are you familiar with this? Did you take an oath to defend the Constitution? If so, then perhaps you should rethink your position.
6/5/2008 9:55:05 AM Take it easy, boys...this isn't about you...its about the Government's misuse or abuse of power and the Constitution.<br /><br />These "drills/exercises" are nothing more than martial law/occupation training. Specifically, checkpoints violate the 4th Amendment. Are you familiar with this? Did you take an oath to defend the Constitution? If so, then perhaps you should rethink your position. Paladin007 Take it easy, boys...this isn't about you...its about the Government's misuse or abuse of power and the Constitution.<br /><br />These "drills/exercises" are nothing more than martial law/occupation training. Specifically, checkpoints violate the 4th Amendment. Are you familiar with this? Did you take an oath to defend the Constitution? If so, then perhaps you should rethink your position.<a href=''><b>Paladin007</b></a> DogHead wrote:

Replying to rxindy:

this all makes me very sad, as an active duty marine who has served in iraq. to see the level of stupidity on this forum. guess what there are marines in indianapolis on a daily basis. this is a trainging ex. and a good one. you will see when this is all said and done you were just being paranoid. and i think they should send dome of you idiots over there so you can crap your pants....ungreatful. youre welcome i do it for you, rednecks.Not to tell you how you should feel, but as a veteran of 29 years active duty and several combat tours I've always known there are some folks who are grateful, some who could care less, and some who resent the military no matter what you do. We defended our nation and the rights of those in it to remain comfortable in their own don't take it personally. Take it as proof your duty was successful. And by the way....thanks.


Marine Gunnery Sgt. Howard Willis of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit demonstrated the use of a White Star Cluster signal during training at Fort Pickett in Blackstone, Va., in April. The unit will be training in Indianapolis next week. - STEPHEN KATZ / Associated Press

article_linker(); RELATED MULTIMEDIA Marine helicopter landing zones in Indy Marine commander's letter to Indianapolis var hidemulti = true; $$("#rel_multimedia ul")[0].childElements().each(function(e) { if(e.visible() == true && e.getStyle("display") != "none") { hidemulti = false; } }); if(hidemulti == true) { $('rel_multimedia').hide(); } Zoom

Marine Lance Cpl Nathan Simms and Cpl Carl McCualey (from left) with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit , teach PFC Danelle Wilson to shoot from the turret of a Humvee during training at Fort Pickett in Blackstone, Va. in April.

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Unemployment, hunger, cold, darkness are the milder unsettling deprivations which will certainly lead to demonstrations and riots. Rampant crime, flooding and homelessness - likewise.

Racial tensions are continually being fostered via religious and cultural distinctions as each group is feeling increasingly marginalised and victimised. It is tragic that people are inclined to vent their frustration and grievances at the engineered 'target' instead of seeing the clear manipulation of those who are truly responsible for this mess. Race riots and civil war would suit their agenda very well.

So, bring on out the Military! The Militia are increasingly insensitised to killing civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Police are also trained in military tactics and are drilled, as the military are to treat civilians as criminals and terrorists. The arsenal of lethal 'non-lethal' weaponry at their disposal is astonishing - going way beyond simple guns and tasers. Crowd Control using infrared, microwave sound and heat attack are not developed at £billions as an experiment.

I-BeaM, Eye in The Sky, Echelon, The Beast and ID Microchips and Concentration Camps

For every year BlahBlairBlackSheep was in office, a NU law was passed. These laws render anyone a terrorist, any time, any place. Arrest without warrant or warning, detention without charge or access to counsel or communication. The 28 day limit is being extended to 40 days - my MP informs his witless constituents that this is a 'temporary' or 'trial' measure - hohoho. Yes mate, 'course it is!

Study Nazi Germany and IBM, Communist Russia and Stalin's Gulags as one would view an aperitif to the main meal in the making here.


I do not wish to engeander paranoa or panic, neither are a solution, but these idiots protesting at this or that in the name of Global Warming, Climate Change and Overpopulation are by design (most likely) or default, ushering in the necessary conditions for absolute chaos and out of chaos comes order - The New World Order. Think about it. They are promoting 'lock-down' in protesting. No air travel, car or rail. Reliance on Nuclear power plants which may be easy targets for establishment acts of 'terrorism'.

We are complicit in our dillemma by being complacent in the face of creeping facism, complicit by way of overdependence on Big Daddy Guv' to provide for our infantile desires to be fed, clothed and cossetted to sleep with pretty bedtime stories called entertainment - droned out in front of The Box. Reading the snooze-papers, digesting the mulch and regurgitating it as 'opinion' insisting we are in-formed. They are becoming so blatant now, it's almost funny. Retaining a sense of humour is essential.

There is not one henious indignity heaped upon children and adults that is necessary or desirable, yet still people comply and obey. Yet all it really takes is self-responsibility for what goes into our minds, our bodies, our hearts to ensure a very different and wholly beneficial outcome in stark contrast to what has been planned and what is unfolding daily before our eyes.

If the religion to which you adhere makes an enemy out of your brother and sister, it is false. If the information via mainstream and alternative media, propogates racial, ethnic, cultural superiority or inferiority it is false. If it talks about alien invasions , overpopulation, justifies war, or Global Warming and ecological disaster as a natural, inevitable fact, it is false.

It's as false as the nature before our eyes and within our hearts proves it to be if we just look, feel and listen. It's as false as Friday 13th being unlucky. It is time to separate the wheat from the chaff and To Thine Own Self, Be True.

Research: MK-Ultra and Maniken Mind Control Military Strategy and The NWO H.A.A.R.P

CHEMTRAILS Weather Wars The Revolution in Military Affairs

Resources: books Thanks For The Memories - Brice Taylor Unshackled by Kathleen Sullivan Any of Fritz Springmeir books any of the subjects mentioned and SRA Cults and Symbology Google video/You Tube ditto

Come, it is time. This is the time we were born for.

In Unity of Purpose.


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