Monday, January 17, 2011

Keep Talking


I can still remember so well
when my boss used to say to me, „You always have to keep talking with each other."  At that time I was working in an industrial
plant that specialized in repairing ship engines. Sometimes four of us men
would have to turn a piston which could weigh more than 200 kilograms. We could
not always use a crane to turn it. Turning it by hand was not bad for a short time,
if every person would carry their 60 kilograms. But we always had to keep
talking with each other so that each of us could depend on the other. If one of
the four men was to suddenly hit something or let go or stumbled, the other
three cannot hold the thing anymore and someone could get hurt.

It is not only important to „always
talk with each other „while carrying a heavy piston but also if you work in a
congregation. It's not about talking "about" each other. Or even
talking about all kinds of things. It is important to keep talking about the
work you are doing together.

When this kind of
communication is happening our meetings are not just superfluous appointments
they are, indeed, important meetings. It is in these meetings that we can get
the knowledge we need about what is happening at the moment. Also, we get to
know what the others think about the job at hand and how things are running in
his own area.

When working with a heavy
piston it is important that each of us pays attention to the part we have to carry.
No one person can keep everything together on his own. This is the same in a
congregation. No one person can keep everything in control. We need to depend
on each other to make it work. So every single person needs to say what he
notices or sees happening "in his corner."

It is always important for
me to keep this kind of conversation going with God too, because He is our
greatest boss. We can be trying so hard to collaborate in the congregation,
wanting so much to work for him, but if we are not in communication with Him, talking
with Him again and again, it can all be in vain.

Talking with God should not
be an annoying duty. It is a necessary arrangement with the Master, who really
knows what the best way for us to go is. The Creator of the world, the founder
of the congregation, our God has overview of things. Therefore it is well to
always remain in conversation both with God, as also with each other.



The good word from the Bible:

Do not let any unwholesome
talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up
according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

4:29 (New International Version)


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