Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The one reporting



If it is not the domestic moggy waking me up at any hour of the morning before 6:30, the first sound I am hearing in the morning is around 6:30 when a large flock of corellas fly over the house and make their way to the river banks of the lower Glenelg River just over the Victorian border.

It is really nice living in a country town where you can experience the sounds of various birds and see brightly coloured birds sitting in trees or on the occasional wiring linking town to town with electricity but there is a point during summer when you only wished the noise would stop and for me it is the wake up call of 6:30.

The birds seem to be returning from their day along the river around 9:00 when the sun is going down and it is actually nice to hear birds fly over and trying to guess the direction they will appear first and how many in their flock, but it is not so welcoming when you have been sleeping and you have missed out on at least an extra 30 minutes of shut eye.

It is nice to have birds around but they are a real problem in this town as they eat and rip up grass areas of sporting clubs and schools and then there is the repair bill to go with it. The birds have made front page for this reason in today's paper and every summer it is same story.

I must admit I have only started hearing them in the morning this week so I must not be having a good night sleep as I can usually sleep through till 6:45 if I have not been disturbed around 4:30 because a cat wants to come inside because he is hungry!


I have no idea what I will be doing with myself this weekend since I finished watching GREY'S ANATOMY on dvd, Monday afternoon. I should of began my GREY'S ANATOMY dvd fix after getting my hands on season 3 but of course I had to get a fix which ultimately lastest at least two to three weeks. Yesterday while I was talking about the show in the shop, Helene asked if she could borrow the series and so I have given her the first season but she thinks she will finish watching it by Saturday and so on Friday I am catching up with her at the shop to give her the other dvd.

I am living in a very sad town where we only have access to one commercial channel unless you can access UHF channels from Victoria and the local channel has never showed GREY'S ANATOMY because it was on another network to what was showing in town. Now with a new agreement with the local commercial channel they are now showing another network's programmes but I don't see them showing season 4 of GREY'S ANATOMY when it premieres later this month. Oh yes, they are now showing programmes from the channel that has the rights to show GREY'S ANATOMY and if it is like the other programmes they are going to start from the first season like they did with PRISON BREAK (and the local UHF channel did with HEROES).

It is okay if you have the money to fork out nearly $1000 to receive additional channels but the one's who don't have the money miss out on tv programmes because of the local channel being committed to one network.

Of course there is always the ability to download programmes from the internet so you are up to date with what is screening in the US and to be ahead of what is on locally but then again you need the money to do this in the first place as well as the patience.

Then there is also the last option of waiting for it to come out on dvd!

I had a look in the tv guide for the week as it comes out on Wednesday's in the paper and this weekend there is no GREY'S ANATOMY but there is a BROTHERS AND SISTERS special on around 10:30 and I think I will be recording that and so I am hoping it is a tv episode but I have this feeling it is a behind the screens thing as it is called "Family Album".

BROTHERS AND SISTERS is another show I am looking forward in seeing again in 2008 but there has been no news of its return.


I am sticking to my usual plan of not jumping on the scales to check out how I am going in my desire to drop some weight while the weather is good but pulling on one of my usual work shirts this morning I did notice that it didn't fit as snug as it usually does over the stomach and I did notice a shift in shape in the same region but what I want to know is this. How do you get rid a bulge brought on by sit-ups. I didn't realise this was forming until it was too late and while I was still attending gym I never consulted my PT and so this bulge is happening which is not too flattering and I have this feeling that it is going to take a lot of exercise and a real diet to get rid of it. Apparently this is very common with people who do sit-ups and I am sure this was all brought on by not doing sit-up naturally. I used one of those rockers advertised extensively on tv and seeing people using it in the gym I was given instruction by my PT in how to use one and I was hooked as it was so much simpler and not as hard to do repetitive sets of 10x.

You could say that I am dieting to extremes of living on lettuce leaves and counting kjs as tonight for tea I had a very filling meal that would have Dieticians shaking their heads in disbelief. It consisted of fried eggs, tomato, bacon, chips, sausage and a chop followed by a small serving of ice cream and apricots. Lucky all day I had a sandwich for lunch and ate two pieces of fruit and not forgetting one small slice of cake for morning tea.

I found another diet book in the bookshop yesterday while putting books away and I thought I could take it home and have a read as I was reading some of it during the afternoon and it sounded very practical. It was not a diet book with recipes and how to do it successfully it featured a lot of personal experiences from people who have lost weight by do the simplest things in life without going on a crash diet.

It seems as though some people in the diet industry have realised that dieting does not work and that it requires a change in a person's lifestyle and who cares if they go off the band wagon and eat something that is not the best thing for them but if they do it in moderation they should still be able to lose the weight they want to.

With coffee tomorrow with Tracey I am sure I will hear all about Sharon's son, Cameron and his first week of being on a restricted eating plan as he tries to lose a lot of weight that has piled on from eating a little bit too much junk food.


Tomorrow, being the first day of the new movie week I called up the local cinema to see what new movies are starting. Only one has caught my eye for the week and that is PS, I LOVE YOU. The other movies are 3:10 TO YUMA and ALIEN VS PREDATOR. With this week being my off-pay week I am thinking of leaving seeing any movie until next week but it will mean either going on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday night. Tuesday is cheap nights but being a member I would save a grand total of $1-00 and I would rather go on a night that doesn't require a 7:00 start the day after.

Without realising it, last week I reserved a copy of NANCY DREW starring Emma "niece of Julia" Roberts. I am looking forward in seeing this. I could of gotten a copy from the dvd store but I have chosen to be a cheapskate and get it from the Library. At least that way if I didn't like I didn't fork out money for it - which is a really good thing about borrow movies from the Library.

On Friday I hired GOSFORD PARK as Kerry-Anne always raved on how great a storyline it was and having seen it available at the Library I had to see it for myself. Well, I sat back and watched it and I could of fallen asleep through it without no problem but the thing was I was thinking of switching it off but decided to see if it improved and sure enough - this did not happen. A major disappointment. If it was fast paced and had a bit more happening I am sure it would of been a good movie.

Apart from that movie I have not seen anything other than GREY'S ANATOMY one the weekend.

With the sudden passing of Heath Ledger, programming was changed in Saturday night and one of the movie channels on payTV played 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU; BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN; CASANOVA while a commercial channel picked up THE PATRIOT; A KNIGHTS TALE and TWO HANDS. I didn't watch any although on Sunday my mother watched my dvd copy of 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU.


FINALLY Ms Spears had to settle as second class citizen while the front page and all entertainment news stories went to Heath. Living in Australia the news ran stories all week about up to the minute accounts of what had happened to Heath and this week it is the magazines turn with all the major one's featuring him on the front cover and with stories running.

With the funeral this week sometime I am hoping the media frenzy dies down so the family and friends can attend a service without cameras in their faces.

I am sure that their won't be a media frenzy since the funeral is not happening in the US where the paparazzi reside. Sure there might be a small contingent from around this country but I am guessing it is not going to be in the numbers like you see in America and the UK.

One thing I do not understand is why a church group or who ever they are want to picket his funeral/memorial all because he happened to portray a gay cowboy. You don't see them making noise around Jake Gyallanhaal or even other people involved in the making of the motion picture - and it is not as though he was gay in real life. I think they just want to stir sh*t! They are also forgetting that there is also an author involved and without that person there would not of been a movie!

With all this happening, I was thinking in the back of my head, where is Britney?

It seems as though I need not to worry too much with her much publicised meltdown making front page news in entertainment!

With her slipping into a place of no return, in the past few weeks I have been thinking that it would not be too soon before we hear of her death and so if it was her who died and not Heath I wouldn't of been too surprised. Am I the only one who is thinking this girl is going to be a dead before 30 - or a permanent train wreck? It isn't as though she is recognised for her music, it seems to be the era of people being famous because of their wayward/partying ways!

Talking about partying ways, Australia's new favourite party-boy is getting his 15 minutes of fame by being the host of parties that are held in club venues. This 16 year old seems to have quit his apprenticeship and has become a full time party-boy! Just what we have always wanted and according to the papers he is signed to party o/s sometime too! Maybe him and Paris-darling can meet up at Cancun or Ibisa in the northern summer!

To wind up some celeb goss, I was watching tv this morning and it was reported Gwen Stefani is expecting another. I was watching the same show yesterday and they had a "news breaking story" which seems to have been a rumour as they reported JLo being in labour as they spoke. No news as yet but I have been thinking if she does deliver twins what chance is there that they will be named Dolce and Gabanna?

Oh yes, I love my bit of celebrity gossip as much as the next person but enough with Britney - please!


Believe it or not, I have not really had much of a life this week! With two days working indoors does not allow for much else apart from coming home and eating and maybe watching a bit of tv or sitting in front of the computer for a short blog.

With a new school year starting this week hopefully next week might be back to normal - depending on what I really want to do Monday. Mitchell begins pre-entry and I think Belinda has him booked in for Monday mornings. I have yet to hear from her and so I am guessing a phone call is not too far away with Abby returning to school yesterday.

Tomorrow is going to be the first day I have had out looking around the shops since last week as Monday was a holiday since Australia Day fell on Saturday.

As it is the only things I have planned is coffee at 10:00 and a much needed waxing at 11:00. I have not seen my hairdresser since the last time I was in and knowing she had a girl on the 15th I am expecting to see her back at work as she said she probably won't be having any days off!

Then the rest of the day is all mine!


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