Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UK set for storms and flooding


The technology available to the Military Industrial Cabal is capable of curing or causing destructive weather and draughts; we, the people of this World have unwittingly funded the R&D and have been subjected, increasingly so, to it's testing. We do not recognise Tsnumamis', Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Blizzards and draughts as technology driven WMD.

We have been programmed for the last 30 years at least, to anticipate 'Earth Changes' through environmental depletion. A rash of books, magazines and press articles have been drip-fed at a steady pace alerting us to the perils of our continuing industrialised life-style and the expanding depletion of natural resources. There is no doubt that some of this information was accurate; those which pointed the finger firmly in the direction of the obvious: military adventures and weaponry, oil, gas and mineral industries. These cartels are as wealthy as they are destructive - the word is immense. They are without boundaries or regulation, scrutiny or redress. The paper laws are innefectual by design and are in any case, never enforced.

NGOs such as FOE and Greenpeace, together with the Green Party, may have started as genuine grass-roots campaigning and pressure-groups for changes in Guv' policy and the allocation of our money. They may have been Guv' fronts from the first, stemming direct action and accountability, leaving the destructive structures in place and in peace. At any rate, they have become polluted and are little more than a toxic waste of attention, energy and time.

Research and development into alternative energy which is self-generating, abundant and virtually free has been quashed and suppressed. Information on the super technology already in use for some 60 years at least, developing at warp-speed since, has been kept closely under wraps. Most people have no idea on the advanced weaponry in use by the military or the extraordinary free-energy or zero-gravity transport and air travel in use. Those who have witnessed it or know of it are largely sidetracked into the UFO/Alien cul-de-sac of disinformation.

Since the circulation of 'Global 2000' under the Snr. Bush, terms such as 'Global Warming' and 'Climate Change' have pre-programmed us to anticipate severe disruptions caused by extraordinary weather patterns. In addition, the Eugenics machine has gone into over-drive with their 'over-poulation' propaganda. Diminishing resources caused by over-population is the equation they have pushed and imprinted. Yes, guys, it's all our fault - us 'useless breeders and feeders'. Fiction or fantasy, the price-hikes in oil, energy-supplies, food, transport and that marvelous carbon-tax are real enough, creating additional profits for the obscenely wealthy, and extreme duress for the rest of us.

The constant bombardment of news reports, TV programmes, films and the all-gore Al Gore campaign, have left us complacent to reports of depopulation caused by Earthquakes, floods and Hurricanes. We could do with 'losing some weight' is the psychological reaction. Besides, so far, the weather disasters have been happening 'over there somewhere'. Except, of course, they're heading closer to home, such as the summer-that-was-not last year, replete with severe flooding.

At present, there are international press features debating the question of weather it would be possible to eliminate 4.6BN people by 2012. The fact that this is being 'debated' at all, demonstrates that a plan in line with Global 2000 and numerous other documents, is coming of age rapido.

One feature of The Plan is to herd populations into areas of containment i.e. cities and this programme has been slowly and surely progressing as far back as the Industrial Revolution. In very recent memory, should be the farming holocaust of 2001, the recent poisoning of livestock via 'bluetooth' - sorry, 'blue-tongue' but we're certainly getting more than a touch of 'the blues' these days. The rural regions have also been subjected to the covert spread of GM crops. This is 'land clearance' which has destroyed farming and rural communities. Farmers who intended to survive all of this are, no doubt, 'encouraged' to grow bio-fuels and we can't eat that!

Another feature is the determination to clear coastal areas; the tsunamis and storms such as the Johanna - Latin or Hebrew root for 'God is gracious' or 'God's greatest gift' - that was The Flood! Why not use the English equivalent, I wonder, which is Joan? Obviously a cryptic message here.

Clearing coastal regions will again, push the populations inwards to the already over-crowded towns and cities. There are some first-hand sightings of warships around the Canadian lake districts and ports. Why would that be? Protecting national borders (which no longer exists under NAFTA) or some other reason?

The tactic of flooding cities with immigrants, and now, English refugees, will bring unbearable overcrowding and stress. Landlords will oppotunistically raise rents and poverty will rise. Competition for jobs will become fierce and with diminishing welfare on the cards ..... violence will increase, justifying more and harsher policing. Deliberately underfunded health and education resources will further impact urban living. All this, at a time when anyone with their full sensibilities in tact, are serious about getting out of the concrete jungles.

With farming (other than the wealthy, inhumane and dispicable factories) obliterated, the crowded city dweller will be entirely dependent on the Super-cartel-markets. I've noticed something intrigueing about my local Sainsbury's which recently closed for refurbishment.

Whilst it did not expand on the outside, the inside now holds extra isles for the addition of clothes and electrical appliances. The fresh-food sections are getting smaller, with less available and more expensive stock. With the fax 'oil shortages' and weather disruptions, I can see a time soon where they'll be food queing, or no food at all. I can see those iron shutters closed for periods of time and I'm not given to morbid flights of fancy. This too, is in The Plan.

All those 'red zones' implemented by Local Authorities and hiked business rates put paid to small independent grocers for a reason. As are the closures of local PO's which reduce local shopping. LA's have an incestious relationship with Supermarkets and Multi-national chains.

It is far more ecomonical and efficent to impregnate the population with deadly chemicals when they are densely populated in designated zones, and this is the major reason for the increasing rural and coastal operations. Psychotronics refer to EMF waves which constantly bombard us in any event, but will intensify in combination with Chemtrail spraying.

The combined effects of these factors (which, let's face it are warfare tactics) can produce an interesting and endless array of results; from induced hysteria and agression, to zonked-out docility, illness and death. Another interesting effect of ELFs and microwave applications, is that of auditory and visual hallucinations. Maybe we'll 'see' and 'hear' the second coming! Or a VR StarWars/Alien invasion. All discussed in their Project Bluebeam. Target areas can be selected within the zone for alterating effects and the precision of chemicals to target specific genetic signatures can be used to spark racial tensions and riots.

The Avian Flu - arial-induced disease - will cause pandamonium of pandemic proportions. Compulsory vaccinations, quarantines and 'round-ups' are all in the mix. What follows is known for those who've been watching, researching and warning. True to form, step by step, the net is closing in and now, as we approach 2012, pacing up at dizzying speed. Yes, the 2012 Return of The Olympians - the very announcement of which was followed by 56 London Bombing deaths by an act of 'terrorism' . If I'm reading the signs right, Prince William will be crowned King - the perfect Aryan New Man for the New Age.

Coming up to these immense changes, the population must be kept distracted and it is by endless red-herring news, media, sports, infotainment and entrainment posing as entertainment. Trivia. The Herd must not be alarmed too quickly and it must accept the logic of welfare cuts, green stealth taxes and tighter police controls. Arguments for which are generously supplied by so-called 'experts' so they must be true. Yes - said so in the news, didn't it? Yet the truth is in there, buried amidst the garbage, for those with eyes and ears.

The solution to the manufactured problems of starvation, pollution, depletion of resources, overcrowding, poverty, war and all-round scarcity and distress is very simple. Demand the MIC cease all activities and return to the people all they have stolen over the centuries. Solutions are always very simple in concept and in truth. To effect them under the circumstances, is anything but; it is nigh on impossible.

If it were not for their continual interference, manipulation and mental illness, the natural ingenuity of the people would have flourished. The MIC uses our natural creativity against us, selecting and grooming the best technicians, inventors and scientists for their own malicious purposes. Dissenters, who are natural experts in their field are vilified, ostracised and silenced. The entire economic system under which we slave and that of money, is irrelevent to our real needs, it is truly monopoly money and has made slaves of us all. There is little freedom of choice, other than to slot into meaningless work at fixed rates and high taxes.

There was a time, pre-1500s, when the people of Latin America, North America, Canada, Australia, Asia, and on a myriad of islands were living very comfortably in harmony. Left to their own devices, they would have developed their societies according to desire and requirement. At that time 98% of Europeans were living in atrocious conditions of slavery, under the rule and hammer of the same types and families within, controlling and behind the MIC. When they invaded these cultures, they destroyed them, enslaved them and now the whole Earth is one huge Gulag or concentration camp.

The people are fragmented, poisoned by toxic religious beliefs and new age ideologies in which they have been educated over generations. That is how the children and young people cannot look to their parents or elders for guidance; there is none they have to offer. That is how The State is the Big Daddyo to all children, through their Disney, Sony, MTV and pop kulture idols. They know nothing else, aside from what they are told to know. Which is nothing of use to them, but of invaluable use to the Fat Controllers.

Those propagating the myth of terrorism, global warming, over-population are the ones causing the problems and profiting from them. They have a peculiar religion which dates beyond Egypt, Babylon and Sumer but certainly can be tracked to those times. Very high Masonry (above 40 degrees) embodies it, as do all the top level movers and shakers, players on the mutidimensional chess board of life. Hints of it are woven cryptically into The Bible, The Masonic Bible, The Satanic Bible and The Babylonian Talmud and in other works such as Blatavsky's Theosophy and The Lucifer Trust (Lucis Trust), covert documentation. The Nazi regime is also an interesting sect to study, with their Thule Society religion and rampant homosexuality.

The Rosicrucion court of Elizabeth 1st expressed it openly and the actions of international piracy through Drake and Raleigh and their Catholic Spanish counterparts in Cortez and Columbus launched the Empire States. King James 1st created a Bible in His Name and was candid about the fact that he was ordained by God to rule, without question. The 17/1800s continued with Cook the crook, the Darwins, the French Revolution and the founding of America Empire State etc. etc. The Golden Age of Greece has been adopted and adapted, as part of their 'ideal' and there are many Hellenic cults operating in Universities Worldwide. Factions of the New Age Gay Scene is very attuned to anarchic, homosexual, pedarist Greece, for at last, they are glorified in culture and history.

To precis thier dominant beliefs:-

They are the master-race, ordained by their god to rule over man and beast and the entire Earth and Heavenly domains. Therefore, they interbreed throughout the generations to keep their stock 'pure'.

The rest of humanity is savage, wild and bestial - to be domesticated, exploited and culled

The Heavenly bodies of stars and their movement of the ages, astrology, herald the Age of Aqaurius as the time of their Golden Age of complete World domination; perhaps Space domination, once this has been accomplished.

They communicate with 'spirit entities' and forces which they invite to possess them and others, giving them special powers. In return, they sacrifice whole populations through wars and other sacrificial ceremonies/rituals

They seek to 'perfect' nature and the nature of man according to their will. This New Man is hermaphrodite (hermes-aphrodite) thus 'self-generating' - a triumph over nature.

Works from Albert Pike, H G Wells, Huxley, Malthius, Brezinzski and other insiders, were/are not of creative genius but of insider knowledge of the Master Plan. A plan faithfully and unerringly carried through from generation to generation in order to reach fruition in these, our times. We are at the threshold of enormous, irrevocable change, where a new breed of being will emerge. It can hardly be called human. I believe it is already fully developed through trans-genic metamorphosis in the 'underground labs' known as DUMBs and MILABs.

These creatures will not 'know' themselves; they are the perfect, happy slaves for their creaters to do with what they will. No dissent, resistance, emotion or awareness. I see people now, becoming this way already.

The Eugencis Societies express these sentiments and objectives through the whole 'over-population' myth and the ongoing, increasing decimation of Africans and other races of colour. Wars were not fast or effective enough, vaccines ditto, food poisoning agents ditto, water and air pollution ditto.

Yet the combined onslaught of these over time, in addition to air-born pandemics and virus' tested and developed in labs such as Porton Down are being effective and can, will be intensified. 6BN people can we wiped out very quickly, when the time is 'ripe'. We are at the closing stages of ripening. They've used us up, it's time to throw us away and get on to their Golden Age.

Back to the beginning. The technology available to the MIC can either cure or cause harmful weather conditions. Beneficial use could mean vast tracts of desert, transformed into healthy farmland, areas suffering natural draughts, rejuvinated through rainfall and regions of cold drizle, experiencing warm and frequent sunshine.

That it is not used for beneficial purposes, in circumnavigating Johanna for example is, at best, an act of negligence, at worst an act of Eco-terrorism. The inhabitants of Cardiff and coastal wales, Devon, Cornwall and the West coast have not even been given fair warning to prepare or escape the deluge, if it happens. If and when peoples homes and businesses are lost this week, through storm and flood damage, will there be any compensation for Johanna's flirtation; as an 'Act of God'?

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall.

Why bother investigating, learning and sharing all of this? The oft-quoted saying that "all it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" goes to a whole new level when you realise one of the laws by which the Elite live. They live by The Book of Law - the Babylonian Talmud in which it states that if you inform someone in advance, of a crime you are going to commit against them, and they do nothing, you have committed no crime at all. The victim is complicit, an accessory to the crime against them if they take no action to prevent it. Neat, huh?

It is not as if we are not being told of exactly what they are doing and plan to do, now is it? In the San Francisco Chronicle, a former Congressman has just reported what 'conspiracy sites' have been reporting for the last 5 years, at least. If such information is now surfacing in mainstream press, it is a clear signal that the trap is about to snap. People wonder why the media, Guv' and the politicians aren't telling us anything. They are. But not in the way people are expecting to be told. As for those in the know, they're scared shitless and trust that the assurances of safety for themselves and their families are going to prove true. They might, they might not. But most of them haven't a clue as to the big picture anyway.

Concentration camps have been built over many years in US, UK and no doubt elsewhere. In US a contract was awarded to Kellog, Brown & Root for $45.6m to build further 'camps' and then theirs the custom-built boxcars contracts. These are equiped with manacles and some eye-witness reports have said, gullotines. Shipments of gullotines have been recorded into the US. Since 911, there has been a shock-wave rippling throughout America and news is much easier to obtain from the US than UK. Put two and two together and it's not diffult to go figure.

UK and US have introduced a raft of very dangerous laws and in the event, any event, of a contrived 'national emergency', a State of Emergency will be declared, suspending all former laws and enabling arrest, detention, torture and execution without question, recourse or defence. Bush and Blair ensured that they are, and their successors are, given full empowerment to suspend Congress and Parliament altogether.

Most of the media are pumping out tripe but there is also cold hard truth being delivered as an intention and a warning of intention which is factual. They're not enshrining laws, suspending civil rights, publishing Think Tank and MoD documents of strategic planning in a state of emergency for entertainment. They are not investing Billions in 'non-lethal' exotic weaponry, prison camps and boxcars as wild speculative gambles of 'just in case'. Neither are they blasting off-planet for exploratory purposes.

Kowledge is power and the first step is to be psychologically empowered through knowledge. I'm not doing this because I'm paranoid (though it would help if you were) I'm not doing this because I'm 'fear-based, tuning into to lower vibrations' and crap. I'm doing this for the love of truth and because I've woken up and sobered up over many years, tracking the signs, going down the many cul-de-sacs of minsinformation. I've emerged and seen how far we are in it. Read the signs.

It doesn't matter how 'good' you've been or are, how much you keep your head down in the sand, your arse is still in the air and a prime target. It won't make any difference to the majority of living beings on the planet at this time, if they compromise, snitch, attack and betray their fellows out of compliance. It'll both hasten and prolong the agony.

Soon, very soon information will dry up through internet shut-downs so it's a good idea to research and verify now.

As it says on the label in The Hitchiker's Guide to The Galaxy: DON'T PANIC.

Keywords for research: H.A.A.R.P. Chemtrails, Scalar Wave Technology, Tetra Masts, Psychotronics.

See videos and special inside reportage on New Orleans Katrina and Homeland Security's actions before, during and post Katrina.

Documents: Global 2000 DoE: Illegal Spraying Operations Over United Kingdom Airspace

The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2936 MoD Military Defense Policy

UK set for storms and flooding


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