Prior to the 1970s, alternative sources of energy were nearly non-existent. However, following this time period, development began to increase very quickly. After a brief interlude without much of a push forward, emerging solar power again became a hot topic in the political world. Presently it has grown into a competitive industry, driven forth by new requirements issued from state and federal agencies.
As a means to show its support of alternative fuel sources, Congress create the Residential Energy Efficient tax credit which can be used by persons that purchase a home fueled by an alternative source. The credit allows a taxpayer to benefit from a reduction of their tax liability by up to 30 percent of the cost of the home. Claiming the credit means that the individual has a geothermal heat pump, fuel cells, wind energy or solar electricity or water heating.
Rather than simply reducing the amount of a person's electric bill, usually the company will credit back any amounts that were supplied via solar power. However, a drastic reduction in the cost of energy can be noticed from that particular bill. To harness the sun's power, water heaters are usually placed on the top of a house or building. The technological requirements of each are very specific.
Corporations have popped up to drive the race in technological developments related to creating panels which can harness the energy that is provided by the sun. Not only are the markets in the United States experiencing the growth of this business industry, but international markets are as well. It has become a global enterprise that is growing rapidly.
In the United States, the states have begun to pass requirements as to how much of the overall energy used by the government must be from alternative sources. This has driven the federal government to push for more research and development in this field. In 2010, it was proposed that a plan be created to find a way to ensure that at least 10 percent of all energy being used by the U. S. Was solar powered.
The harmful emissions caused by gasoline usage have people concerned about the effects on the environment. Dramatic climate changes that have plagued the past decade, growing even greater in the past five years, have caused people to further push for more creative development in this industry. Logically, some alternative fuel source other than gas is a want form many consumers.
Soaring gas prices also have the public up in arms about finding new methods of fueling their homes or automobiles. The price per barrel for gasoline can increase tremendously in a given week at times. This translates to a price difference of many cents per gallon. To provide for a house and a car can cost an enormous amount with these kinds of changes.
In an attempt to move from water heaters and panels on the roofs of personal residences and apartment buildings, emerging solar power has transitioned into towers that will be placed at the center of many cities. These will provide electricity to the surrounding buildings, be they homes or office spaces. Europe has also been on the bandwagon in pushing to require the usage of alternative resources.
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