Now we can suggest a simple solution to our on going dependence on foreign oil. First, America is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. We produce more natural gas every day than all of the Middle Eastern countries plus all of the North African countries combined. America has enough natural gas reserves to power all of our vehicles and to heat every home in the U.S. for the next sixty years.
We could go on a 36 month change over from gasoline and diesel fuel to natural gas in all vehicles. No exceptions, no lobbying, and no political BS. Just DO IT! The technology exists. There are a number of companies and cities already using propane to power their rolling stock. No government hand outs for ridiculous so called technology. Just DO IT! In thirty six months America would not import one drop of oil. Odds are we could stop drilling in our eco friendly areas i.e. Gulf of Mexico and Alaska's north slope.
Just think of the billions of tons of carbon emissions that WOULD NOT be emitted into our atmosphere. Now Obama makes a big deal of our obligation to the world to cut back on carbon emissions let's see if he does anything about this simple formula. This is not a political kickn the can down the road as we hear all the time. No ten year plans or twelve year plans but immediate action to solve two of America's largest problems.
Our government should immediately place price restraints on all oil and gas production in the U.S. The average cost of a barrel of oil from the Gulf of Mexico is $16 a barrel. It is charged to the American consumer at $108 a barrel. No wonder Exxon Mobil had world record setting profits. These oil companies have sucked the life out of our economy and the politucians have bankrupted us trying to hide the effects of this hideous system. It started over 100 years ago with John D. Rockefeller and still exists today. It is time for America to stand up and demand a change. No longer should American oil companies be allowed to hide behind the skirt tails of a few Arab oil sheiks. Responsibility lies directly with American politicians and the oil companies that own them. We should demand a change in the way our oil gets priced to us. Natural resources belong to all of us and no one should be allowed to squander them or to hold us hostage to blackmail using what belongs to you and me. Only a change can make America strong and great once again.
Our economy would explode if we did not import any oil and we had a stable supply of energy at an economical price. Our government allows foreign and domestic oil companies to tap our oil and gas reserves. Our country makes pennies on OUR national oil and gas reserves while permitting these foreign and domestic oil companies to make billions and billions of dollars at our expense. It is time to stand up America and demand real change. Look for part thre-the saving of California.
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