silently, from way down deep below,
oil taints the Gulf of Mexico;
an unnatural disaster, caused through greed
of selfish men’s insatiable sick need
to cast their large and hollow shadow
over brothers and sisters kept down low.
oil barons believe they’ve earned the respect
of everyone they’ve chosen to neglect,
NOT SO!!! NOT SO!!! I have come here to tell!
these swine are Legion surely destined for hell!
they’ve stolen, they’ve cheated and now deceive…
they tried to control what we all believe!
that’s why I now undo the seventh seal
and reveal what they've tried to conceal.
here’s a tidbit everyone need’s to know:
Legion, hell-bound, decided long ago
to feed its hunger for vain fineries
through obtaining old “dry” refineries
already connected to wells by pipe;
these swine saw networks of “dry” wells as ripe,
ready to be back filled with crude oil
brought by huge tankers from foreign soil.
OIL CRISIS! OIL CRISIS! they screamed
while tankers, to Gulf of Mexico teemed…
an artificial shortage of gas
led OPEC to produce oil in mass.
Legion lied about crude oil demand!!!
and over filled those wells, so here we stand.
silently, from way down deep below
oil taints the Gulf of Mexico.
man made disasters from over-filled wells
should never be called off shore crude oil spills!!!
their “dry” wells were intentionally filled!!!
many innocent people were intentionally killed!!!
LOOK AGAIN at oil's "prosperity!"
acting… lacking honesty and integrity
on TV now seen sitting in high rows
pompous politicians airing their shows
amid other cheaters, liars and thieves,
all clad in business suits’ silky long sleeves…
they’re mere mimes, imitating decency
to stop us from achieving unity
this stone is cast for all eternity.
truth alone… sets you free.
Daniel Martiuk (aka BarbarianBard)
© May 14, 2010
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