The Cloud Inc. did not correct the bandwidth thing. So, I put out a special blog request. If you saw the plea, PLEASE send a friendly email request to that email address in any language of your choice encouraging them to improve their hospital wifi offering.
Additionally, I woke up and realized that I have cankles. Ever heard of that endearing term? Apparently, it is like a thickening retaining water on the ankles. I have this as a by-product of the cortisone that I have been taking. This causes massive water retention. I got up and looked at my feet this morning and almost screamed. Whoa! My ankles were literally double in size.
After I got over that shock, I enjoyed my standard affair of breakfast with the added joy of bananas on my Life cereal and peanut butter.
Then, I read the rest of the day. I just about finished the second Stieg Larsson book. I really wanted to get through it because the tonight I would get to see the first part of the two part series presenting the second book. The series has been following the book quite well.
The Family came up today to the Planetarium in Nuremburg and caught a show at 1400. Afterwards, they came over to the hospital. I was elevating my cankles to try to help keep the swelling down and watching a movie. Kelly walked in soon followed by Elias, Miriam, Simon, Oma Vicky, Danielle and Enrique. It is always a bit hectic when the kids visit, but I love it. They are so full of energy. But, let’s face it, they are in a hospital and are forced to “behave.” I was really lucky over the weekend not to have a roommate, so we had a lot of extra space and pulled in extra chairs. All the Mom figures in the room were incessantly concerned that the children keep their masks on around me. Don’t cough on Papa, put your mask on, not too close. It was getting crazy. So, I finally told everyone to CHILL-LAX out about the masks and the germ talk. Let’s just enjoy the time. Everyone agreed not to simply make an effort not to cough directly in my face. That quelled the hysteria.
Simon, Enrique and I spent time together building Simon’s SIMCITY. Once we got it established, he and Enrique played really well on it for a while. They already mastered driving a helicopter and a car through the simulator. Amazing: The dexterity of two 6 year olds on a laptop. They learn so quickly.
Then, I spent a lot of time with Elias. He was clearly distressed about life stuff. So, I just grabbed him and sat him on my lap and hugged him and told him how much I loved him. He complained about how much he hated school and how studying was stupid. I just listened and asked him about what alternatives we had. Finally, we got to a point where he and I studied his German and English together. It was done. See? Finished for the day. Now, we could have some fun. Meanwhile, there was a Mimi homework drama and she got sassy with Mama. So, I told her point blank I did not accept that behavior and asked her to go to the children’s play area with her Mom, apologize and accept her Mother’s help. It was like being at home – only in the hospital. This is where I feel most helpless that I only get small chances to be an influence now. However, while they are here I do my best to maintain my role.
Danielle walked to the pizzeria and brought back a pizza party. We all went to the kids room and ate. Eat we did! Also, I whispered to Kelly that she is the best Mom ever, which I truly beleive. I told her not to stop what she is doing despite feeling weary. She is so great!
Afterwards, the kids played in the playroom and Elias climbed back up on my lap. We made a partnership pact between us that he would contact me about anything, anytime and not keep it bottled up.
At 2200, I watched the first half of the Girl Who Played With Fire. Then, at 2330, SUPER BOWL 45 came on the German Channel ARD. So, I made myself a snack in the kitchen and came back to settle in and watch it. I dozed on and off throughout the whole game. I caught up with the score though each time I had to wake up for my standard visit to the Water Closet. What a great game! Of course, I have been a Saints fan since they were established so I was not partial. I actually thought Big Ben and the Steelers would pull it out. But, it truly looks like the best team won! I also really liked the half time show – and my friend Adrian’s comments on Facebook about the halftime show. He had me in stitches waiting for Fergie to have a wardrobe malfunction!
My nurse looked in on me at 0300 and wondered why on earth I was still awake. I told her it was the American Football Super Bowl, of course! She had no idea what I was talking about and told me to enjoy myself!
Let it Go! Let God!
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