My first 2 weeks in Vietnam have been different. I know I will be able
to get used to living here, I just feel overwhelmed and stressed. There
is so much I need to do and it is hard to push myself to do it all.
Lately, I have felt lazy and not wanting to do much. I want this to
change and to be more active but I still feel very shocked by the
culture change and need time to adapt.
Other than that, things are going fine. I enjoy spending time with
Duong's family. I hope I will be normal in a few weeks time and able to
be active and start going out and meeting new people on The New Hanoian.
I want to make Duong happy and be more helpful and active. Today I
messaged Viet to meet with him to give him a check to close out our bank
account in Paris. It is hard to be able to start my new life in Vietnam
when I still have to finish my life in Paris. I also have to get my
diploma and that will be complicated.
So much to do and the stress just keeps piling up. On top of all this,
we have to prepare for our wedding.. Another wedding.. The last one was
stressful, this one will be 100x more stressful.
Yesterday I started to learn how to drive a motobike. I think it is
pretty easy.. the only trouble will come on the roads with the Vietnam
traffic. Today I looked into getting a driver's license. I will look
into it more after lunch and maybe Duong and I can go get it today. I
read there is a possibility I can just pay a police officer to get a
license without having to take a test and have any difficulty, I wonder
how that will work.
Duong and Mai went to look into Vietnamese classes for me. I wanted to
go too, but there was no way. I feel bad because I could not go with her
and she had to go with her sister to check into schools for me. I
really need to learn how to drive the motobike and get a license to make
things work and the two of us more happy.
I know everything will be fine in the future.. but now it is so
stressful because our new life has just begun in Vietnam and there is a
lot we must do to make it the way we want it.
I know everything will be okay, but I want it to be okay now.. and when I
think of all the things that have to be done, I get overwhelmed and
lazy to do things. I need to take it slow and take it piece by piece.
That way I complete things as apposed to getting flustered by the amount
of work I have and just stop working..
Duong and Mai will be coming back soon for lunch. We are having Pizza
today for lunch. How awesome!! I have missed pizza. I hope we are having
Pizza Hut, but I don't think we are. Oh well, I am happy to have any
kind of pizza.
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