I cannot seem to gain
any traction with this story. This is part of a flyer that I’m trying to go
public with, but keep getting shut down by some covert agency chasing me around
Osama Bin Laden is a
Riddle and the look alike for?
Hello, my name is Aaron Fleszar and my story is one the
greatest stories ever told. I’m being tortured and threatened by the federal
government for over 3 years now. In March of 2008 after years of mocking scam
artists online I discovered that there’s a highly sophisticated massive
organization using a code, and I reported it to the FBI. Below is only a
fraction of what I discovered. The feds have acted on everything I’m sharing
with you. I’ll even provide proof of it by addressing Sarah Palin’s candidacy.
Here are some wanted
terrorists, some for U.S.
embassy bombings in Kenya
& Indonesia,
look-a-likes for media moguls, CEO’s, and the current administration.
All of this was online years before the last election.
Search Google Images for;
Mark Joyner Simpleology-FBI Wanted Seif Al Adel
John Ferrero-FBI Wanted Ramadan Shallah
Yaro Starak-FBI
Wanted Umar Patek Armand Morin
FBI Wanted
and now “dead” Noordin M Top (top kill, top hat? Appearing often with
“Lorrie Morgan Ferrero”)
Michael Filsaime—FBI
Wanted Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri
(Die Hard 4 “Fire Sale” The cyber attack on our infrastructure)
Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian-FBI Wanted Ammar Mansour Bouslim
Carl Galletti-FBI Wanted--Ahmed Garbaya, Samir
Ted Ciuba-FBIWanted
Abdul Rahman Yasin
Willie Crawford-FBIWanted
Fazul Mohammed
Shay Patil-FBI
Wanted Atiyah Abd al-Rahman
Keep in mind that
some people may not even be aware that their images are being used, that
they’re being used, or who’s using them.
Jay Conrad Levinson- (look a like for George Soros)--key point (mastermind? Proponent for a one world
government, collapsing of currencies)
Internet Million Dollars Professor James Bradley- Communist
University Professor Bill Ayers (the Pentagon bomber)
Rosalind Gardner-(Jill Biden or look a like)
Stephen Pierce-(look a like-Van Jones “Green Jobs Czar”)
Lisa Diane-(look a like-Christina Romer)
Perry Marshall - (Reverend Pfleger or look a like)
Tom Beal-(Jeffrey L Bewkes look a like)
Brett McFall-(look a like for Austan Goolsbee)
John Childers-(look a like for Andy Stern)
Terry Dean-(look a like for Michael Dell)
Howard L Moreland- (look a like for Michael Moore)
Yanik Silver -(Ex-Google CEO, Sergei Brin look a like)
John Carlton-(look a like for liberalist “the dude” Jeff
Cathy Goodwin-(look a like for Ellen Kullman)
Bruce a Berman-(look a like for Donny Deutsch)
Youtube’s-Rich Jerk videos-American Airlines Stadium basketball Maverick Mark Cuban (American Airlines flt#77 hit the Pentagon on
Youtube’s-Robert Johnson Rich Jerk – Tony Rezko (the guy who
sold Obama some of his property, wasn’t he arrested and convicted?)
Other things of interest include; No Money Down Real Estate
– Carleton Sheets (Jimmy Carter look a like)
Oprah Winfrey’s galpal Gail King (Whitney Houston(whit_
hous_)look a like)(Has“secret” boyfriend now who looks like Eric Holder)
Check out the Lorrie Morgan Ferrero’s Red-Hot-Copy.com
blog and website for others associated with the current administration, in
addition to 70’s Virgin Records Richard Branson, and White House Party Crashers the Salahi’s with
Valerie Jarrett’s daughter Laura.
Hiding behind aliases, bogus whois info, and P.O.Boxes,
these internet “marketers” literally have tens of thousands of domain names. They
are behind ALL NEW CUTTING EDGE technology online, affiliate marketing
education, and almost EVERY money making opportunity on the internet you’ll
find. They are masters of deception, misinformation, spam, search optimization,
and positioned to make billions by slowly destroying the economy. They control
the conversation in forums regarding their products, their “expert”
spokespeople, and the financing of the last presidential election on
Youtube. In my strongest opinion, Osama Bin Laden is also a spokesperson, and a look-a-like. Osama represents Obama/Biden (Bi)n
Sarah Palin’s family
& history is fabricated using logarithms. She became a media magnet to
flush out Barack (O’Bomber) Obama’s entire socialist “organized community.” Her
name, Sarah (Barrac)uda) Palin, is short for palindrome, such as SOROS. McCain’s
favorite band is ABBA, another palindrome. They both claim to be Mavericks.
Palin coined the term “mama grizzly.” Interstate 77 NBA Maverick Mark Cuban was
under investigation for insider trading of a search company called Mamma. The
first forum to attack and hack me online was FIB Scams 101 with the owner
called Mama. On 9/11 American Airlines flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Palin’s
daughter “Willow,” is short for Willow Run
Airport off I-94, her
birthday 7/7/94. “Piper,” also a plane, shares a birthday with Bruce Willis
(John McClane the guy who fights the
terrorists in Die Hard.) Sarah’s “siblings” are Heather Heath Bruce and Molly
Heath McCann. “Trig” Palin shares a
birthday with congressmen from WI, IL, and MI. “Track” Palin shares a birthday
with Adolf Hitler. Obama shares a birthday with Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasser
Arafat. “Tripp” Palin appears to have multiple birthdays. My girlfriend
Kristin’s step brother, and my friend Todd’s birthday is 10/18, the same day as
Bristol Hills is the closest apartment complex to my family’s homes. My
birthday is 4/13 and my mom is Diane, “Todd” Palin’s sister “Diana” was
arrested on 4/13. Sarah Palin’s “birthday” is 2/11, which was also Kristin’s
and my anniversary. Meg “Stapleton” was the spokesperson for Palin’s campaign.
Stapleton is my sister’s married name. Todd Palin’s moms name is “Faye.” Tina
Fey played the look a like for Sarah Palin. I encourage you to do your own
homework and draw your own conclusions.
It amazes me when people barely have to lift a finger to
make a difference, how many will sit there and do nothing. Allow me to make
this as simple as possible. If you believe that by cracking a code on the
internet my family and everyone I care about should be treated as criminals and
terrorists in their own homes, then do nothing. If you believe that by cracking
a code online and reporting it to the FBI subjects my family, my girlfriend,
her family, and myself to being used as bait and slaves to the Feds, do
nothing. If you believe your tax dollars should be spent by torturing, using,
manipulating, and threatening civilians so that professional intelligence
agents spending billions every year aren’t embarrassed, do nothing. If you are
a patriotic person with values, morals, and principles then I ask that you take
action by following these directions.
(1)-Researching any of this, including my name Aaron
Fleszar, will result in immediate surveillance, harassment, and interception of
communications by the Gestapo Feds.)))))))
(2)-Share this immediately face to face with friends and
neighbors. This information needs to spread first without being suppressed. All
domestic calls and emails are monitored for keywords, names, and phrases by the
Gestapo Feds. Think about making copies at work or home. Scan this and email it
as an attachment. Avoid using any words in your email subject lines or body
that relate to politics or terrorism or your message will not get through.
Forward this to everyone you know. Once thousands of people begin sharing this
the Gestapo Feds will not be able to stop it from leaking onto the internet,
and the public from learning the truth.))))))))))))
(3)-If the Gestapo Feds block access to any of this then
your democracy, the constitution, the first amendment, and all the freedoms you
once thought you had hang in the balance. Strongly consider organizing your
family and neighbors into protesting outside government institutions. Demand
answers. If they block or alter any of these sites, and quit altering their
sites, when the media comes looking for me, I have access to back up copies of
everything you’ll find. Go ahead and research this yourself, but think about
waiting a day or two AFTER sharing it first.))))))))))
I don’t expect you to
believe a word of this, I know how ridiculous it sounds, but it is the truth.
The Gestapo Feds does not refer to the entire FBI, CIA, DOD, NSA, or local law
enforcement. It refers to the sick and evil tactics being used by whatever
above-the-law covert agency is in charge. I would like to share with you how I
drew some conclusions.
These scam artists
are behind 90%+ of the money making opportunities you’ll find online. They
stand to make billions by slowly destroying capitalism only to institute
communism. From mystery shopping, to data entry, work at home, paid surveys,
all affiliate marketing education, and thousands of look-how-much-money-I-make
websites, they write the reviews for their products, and carry the conversation
regarding them in forums. A few “experts” appear to have political associated
aliases listed at something called the Gurudaq. Several of their sites also
display major media logos. Many of their scams are listed in Clickbank’s
directory under money making opportunities, marketing, and advertising. Heavily
spammed to, these sites serve as product placement for logos and new cutting
edge internet technologies. The testimonials on these sites are from other
manufactured out-of-thin-air “experts” all with something else to sell,
creating an endless string of pointless products and often unnecessary services
that not only generate millions, but serve as a cover for subliminal coded
When a link to
Al-Qaeda appeared on Armand Morin’s blog, I started looking at this
organization of scam artists with their thousands of websites, in a whole
different light. The first face I matched up on the FBI’s most wanted list was
Joyner’s, then Armand Morin’s, and then John Ferrero’s. I didn’t hesitate to
contact the FBI who didn’t care much to listen to me. After 3 days of phone
games I flew from Maui to Honolulu
to speak with the FBI who once again, didn’t care to speak with me. I didn’t
have the resources to purchase all of their products, crack all their codes,
sort everything out, and then offer a report to the FBI. My main concern was that
there could be an imminent threat to my girlfriend, our families, and our
country. It didn’t appear at first that the Feds acted on anything I uncovered
until over time, I found that I hit
More: http://www.hsengine.com/s_Marketing.html
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