From all indications it look like if there was a free and fair election conducted in Nigeria on 16 April, 2011. But if taking a good and a look down on it we will observe that some polling centers were canceled and what is the cause of the cancellation. I stand as an Election observer just on my wish to make sure the mothers home is respected and giving an appropriate attention. After the observation I found out that some polling units have been denied right to vote the persons they want as their president.and for this I disagree to anyone saying that the elections was free and fair but will only accepting the saying credible.
Regarding to what Mr. president says on his campaign which quoted "There
are only two types of people in Nigeria-good or bad-not Northerners or
Southerners. Let us work towards bringing out the good in us". We can only achieve that if only the politicians should come together and be one
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