Monday, April 4, 2011

Why do governments lie?


In response to the question someone posed in the Yahoo News article about Japan's nuclear reactor situation: "Why do governments lie?"

We tolerate lies from governments because we love fairy tales (just like children) and abhor knowing the (usually complicated and ugly) truths because our emotions easily overwhelm our intellects by exerting their veto power at our neural gates to the physical environment. When the basal parts of our brains (where emotions reside) overrule the pre-frontal cortex (where intellects and metaphorically Pro-[fore-]metheus[thought] lie), Prometheus is chained and becomes prey to the Eagle. Evolution selects those that can react the fastest and best to environmental stimuli so we BEING SURVIVORS have this emotional response circuitry built in (just as in computer architecture) right from the beginning. This however becomes a liability as our environments have become much more complicated (we created it largely by ourselves) when fore-thoughts are vastly more important than an immediate emotional response. However, most of us are still emotion-driven and quickly accuse others when they do not agree immediately with our foregone conclusions. There is really NO truth when NO ONE has the patience to listen to assemble the WHOLE and complete truths. Everyone can possess some partial truth but emotions must be controlled before the WHOLE and complete truths can be assembled from them. Hence, until our intellects triumph by delaying judgments and responses, the emotions such as anger and fear will reign supreme and not just governments but many other institutions too, will "LIE". Of course, these "LIES" may only be over-simplification of the WHOLE truths in order to be effective tools of control.


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