Monday, April 4, 2011



All the praises are for the Sustainer of the worlds, hereafter for
the pious and blessing and salutation be upon Rasool Allah, their
family, companions, and decedents.
Further more in accordance
with Qu’ran, Hadith and further exquisite venerated verses from Allah
Almighty’s pious attributes kind natured and fine, delicate points
consist in this book, its author Faqeer Bahoo ra son of Bazaid tribe
Awan from Shore forte may Allah bestow emperor Shah Aurangzeb
contentment until infinity due to the honour of noon an saad (Noon being essence of Allah almighty and Saad the reality of Hazrat Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him) ) He kept the religion alive and he is on the status of ilm al yaqin
Knowledge of certitude in following Islamic divine law and who has the
honour of well establishing  the religion of Hazrat Muhammad (Blessing
and Salutation be on Him) is saying that, this book is named Kaleed
Altuhid (The key of monotheism) and it is titled remover of
difficulties from all the difficulties. Whoever studies this, book day
and night nothing shall remain concealed from him and he will become la yohtaj.(Free from dependency)

any destitute reads it he will become wealthy, if a confused person
studies it he will acquire eternal contentment, and if a inferior
person reads it he will become Kamil accomplished. The person who studies this book he will not have a need for apparent murshid for bayat oath of elegance. With its study, he will recognise the etiquettes of faqr
outward and inwardly. This book is perfect guidance for beginner as
well as for the more accomplished. If an illiterate studies it, he will
become learned scholar and writer of Qur’anic commentary; from this
book, he will acquire four types of knowledge such as, first, knowledge
of alchemy of elixir (knowledge of contemplation of ism a Allah zat) second, knowledge of davat takseer, third, knowledge of Dhikr of Allah with inner illumination, fourth, knowledge of istaghraq absorption from it talib becomes person who leaves impression and by being a mystic he overpowers his nafs. This book is a touchstone for sincere disciples and certified talibs, verified Arifs, in companion of truth and unity.

A scholar with divine grace and fana fillah faqeer who has immersed himself in the deep river of monotheism. This is bayat (you could acquire from this book what you could acquire from bayat). He has not acquired the treasure of unity of Divine truth without struggle and worldly and religiously tasarruf, the burden of his request is on his neck. Such kind of Kamil and great tasarruf could not be acquired from any where else. People reached near point’s of death or died for such type of tasarruf but they were not able to bring tasarruf under their authority because this tasarruf is not for ordinary public.

The one who possesses intellect and wisdom for him this is a Kamil
proof that this book has been written with the order and merciful
glance of Allah almighty and approval from the court of Hazrat Muhammad
(Blessing and Salutation be on Him) and it was written with their
permission. Every letter of this book bestows witnessing of divine
truths’ hazoori.  Every line is the mystery of their secrets, which are found in the witnessing of noor of the truth’s blessings manifestations. The secrets are opened with blessing of ism a Allah zat, verses of Qu’ran and Sharia of Hazrat Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him).

reader of this book comes out of evil (darkness) and reality of true
recognition comes into his hearts mirror. In other words the inferior
murshid orders the talibs to remain engaged in physical activities of
devotions so that they could remain battling with enemy of Allah such
like nafs day and night.

Whereas murshid Kamil sever, the head of other than truth with one strike of sword of ism a Allah zat so that the talib becomes content with one strike.

Tasarruf of ism a Allah zat is stability, which is far above from miracle and mystical states because stability is immersion in oneness.

Same as the body remains in this world but the eye are on the accountability of the day of judgement.

This is how contemplation of ism a Allah zat makes the nafs
suffer from punishment and similarly the spirit is terrorised from this
world. Allah Almighty’s such kind of favour is acquired with divine
help and from audience with Murshid Kamil. Allah almighty commands, “And I only had the guidance from the court of Allah Almighty”

Allah Almighty commands, “No doubt closest among you in piety is the one who has fear of Allah”

favour, grace, and divine help, is bestowal of Allah. This status is
called collective qualities and the person of collective qualities
could not reach the basic level of confidant in fana fillah of divine essence.

Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him) narrated, “Good deeds of
pious people are at the level of sins according to people of proximity qurb”

What is mystical initiation silk salook? What is mujahida mystical struggle and mushaida

What is meant by mystical exercise? What are Qurb, unity, divine love, desire, contentment, and marifat of fana fillah baqa billah etc?  What are all these?

collective favour, blessings, greatness, honour, honour of seeing
ProphetMuhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him), knowledge of every
thing and knowledge of 18000 universes opens all at once, every motive
and objective that comes within the grip, if talib so wishes he could
remain immersed in the noor of oneness all the while, if he wishes to remain in the majlis
a Muhammadi (Blessing and Salutation be on Him) upon whom thousands of
souls be sacrificed all the time, honoured with their illuminated view,
become servant of the Prophet Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on
Him). The path of noor a hazoori opens from the shrines of aulyia Allah, shrines of Prophets, or shrines of martyrs,

which talib meets with every mystic and with the meeting of spiritual
people the contentment that is achieved, all these status, status of qurb and marifat, absorption in noor a marifat, hazoori of majlis
a Muhammadi (Blessing and Salutation be on Him), meeting and shaking
hands with every mystic of the grave etc, all this is acquired with
contemplation of ism a Allah zat, contemplation of name of Hazrat Mohammed the leader of the universe ﷺ, concentration of Islamic creed kalmia tayiba
“There is no one worthy of worship besides Allah and Mohammed if the
Rasool of Allah” , with blessing of glorious name from ninety nine
names of Almighty and with contemplation of every name, symbols of
witnessing manifestations are found. Such murshid who is unable to
initiate all these hazraat within a breath on the first step
then it is understandable that he is incomplete and inferior even
though he is engaged in mystical struggle but he is unaware from
secret, although he is in struggle but he is unaware of witnessing.
However, he is davat but unaware from zinda damKahf in Qu’ran regarding Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Khidr blessing be upon them where the reality of incident was narrated, Hazrat Khidrbatin they are slaves of their nafs and desires and they are

enlightened breath. Even he is in revelation but unaware from veils
remover, although he is at the level of miracle but unaware of mercy,
infect according to pious he is indulged in sins, even in view of
public he is on the straight path such as is Chapter
blessing be upon him had ripped the boat, killed the child and
straightened the weaken wall. Often some people are considered by the
public as people of Allah in unity with Allah but in


It is second crime to expect repentance from immoral person.

Because a drycleaner never cleans his dress properly

Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him) narrated, “Foolish is the
person who follows his nafs and desires, but expects forgiveness from
Rub Sustainer”

Allah almighty
commands, “Are you giving people persuasion but you are forgetting
yourself? Although you are reading the book (Qu’ran) why are you not
using your intellect?”

I am surprised at those people who are apparently counselling   people but in batin they are disgraced due to their nafs, In public view the are people of favour but in batin their level is as women on menstruation. It means that neither a murshid who does not acquire mysticism of hazoori, davat a qaboor nor he is immersed in the noor. He is fool, without mystics and further away from marifat of Allah almighty, even if he is apparently arrogant because of inspiration and miracles. Whichever talib murshid Kamil over powers him over his nafs,
It is initiated with mystical concentration. His concentration is
better then the concentration of Hazrat Khidr blessing be upon him
because with his glance dust will turn into gold.

This is definitive point that such faqeer who dominates both worlds. If
he so wishes to turn the earth example of bow equal to both ends of the
earth from east to west and to pull them like a bow and with nature of
Almighty, target the universe with the arrow of fate, this will cause
an injury to it in such a manner that the entire universe dies with
starvation and sudden death. Aulyia Allah of such kind have such powers
that they take away rebuke, backbiting, oppressiveness, infuriation,
wrath agony from creation and they do not cause any pain to the God’s
creation. The stamina of such faqeer is broad due to blessing of
ecstasy of monotheism’s noor and majlis ofMuhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him). If murshid Kamil wants some one to engage in spiritual discipline rayadat
he could engage him in submission for many years and he turns towards
bestowal of favour then he could take talib of Allah from the states of
beginning to the ultimate within a moment.

Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him) narrated, “The world is a
moment and there is no comfort in it and for us there is submission”

Poem:  O talib leave yourself and move forward and immerse in noor There isn’t any need of desire for unification or Hazoori

Do you know if there is no unification then what happens?

Polytheism and vanity occurs O talib refrain from Polytheism and vanity

When talibs desire is fulfilled from court of Almighty

Arshe, throne and every level of creation comes within his reach

Guide of the true path murshid should be such

Who immerses talibs in oneness of divine Almighty

Murshid should be such guide that he prevents talibs from their desires of their nafs

Bahu ra is murshid, talib, and soul sacrificial of true path

Where all over the world he could not find enlightened talib of Haq

Seeker of selfish desires, who claims to be talib of truth, is to be boastful.

To a genuine talib of Haq, I am prepared for fulfilment of his objective.

I will take him within a moment from beginning to the utmost.

Remember that, achieving domination over both worlds, taking every talib
to status of apparent revelation, accomplishing knowledge and able to
lecture on every knowledge is an easy task, but imprisoning nafs is extremely difficult and complicated task.

Whoever wants to recognise Allah almighty, acquire his marifat
of proximity, communicate with speech nearer then jugular vein through
unseen occurrences, success without doubt, unveiled inspirations,
messages and answers with deeds, he needs to watch his nafs, recognise
it and talk to it.

Hazrat Muhammad (Blessing and Salutation be on Him) narrated, “He who has recognised his nafs
verily he has recognised his Rub Sustainer”

Nafs rejoices and grows fat with outwardly study and mystical discipline because nafs is concealed within the body and therefore nafs of unseen batin could only be burnt with mystical exercise of unseen batin. He is ruined with fire of contemplation of ism a Allah zat’s influence.

Whosoever does not capture his nafs initially and does not walk him on the straight path, he wants to recognise Allah almighty and acquire qurb and marifat. I swear by God it is difficult for him to reach Allah almighty because he is person of nafs and vanity.

it that ! status in trans, ecstasy and superstitions and all kinds of
dangers are immature thoughts and people of enlightened heart are
immersed in annihilated of zat essence and that which is inside in body and has surrounded the heart, with the agreement of Khnass and Khartum and contaminates the tongue with lies,


(Khnass: A kind of Sheitan who inserts suspicions within the heart.
Sheitan who removes any thought that is against Islamic divine law,
insane influence on the mind as regards to mystical path, moral or
spiritual sentiments)

That is nafs,
which you don’t know that it is the emperor in the body and


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