Saturday, April 2, 2011

Japan and its people


I have been to Japan once, it was only for 3 days but it was an experience that I will not for get and it is somewhere that I really want to visit again. What has happened with the earthquake the tsunami and now the nuclear reactor is a real tragedy. But the Japanese people have my total respect. All of us have seen the images on TV of the devastation that was caused. I mean entire villages just wiped off the map, it’s just horrifying.


But look at the people. They still have there self respect they still have law and order. This is amazing; they were queuing up out side the supermarket in an orderly manner. That would never happen here. It would be a brawl and the old grannies would be at the front the there bony elbows getting every one out of the way. It would be sheer pandemonium all semblance of law and order would be gone and there would be plenty of people trying to make money out of other misfortune. For example what about the bloke in china that went out and brought a shed load of salt for the iodine in it for when the radiation came over china. His plan was to sell it back to the people at an seriously inflated price. What a shit. What a money grabbing low life shit. Well his plan has back fired some what because the radiation will not come and he has a shed load of salt that he can not sell. Well serves you right you shit.


I remember reading a report that said the first people to organise aid to the areas worst hit was the Yakusa, yes the Japanese mob. WHAT??? The Mob is there helping, the first to help. Totally unbelievable. I do not believe that this would have happened anywhere else on earth. Now there is a country that likes to think that they are the greatest civilisation on earth. They tell every one how great they are, they tell everyone how to run there country, they tell every one what to do and what they can not do. Yes you guessed America , the U S of A yeah that’s right the useless s***s of america . Now who remembers the disaster that happened in New Orleans hurricane Katrina and the whole place got flooded? Well remember all the images of looting and robbing and a general self centeredness that took over. And this is what happens to the supposed greatest civilisation. See you only have to scratch the surface slightly and then you really see what the people on this place are really like. These people should sort themselves out first, educate there own people instil a sense of real pride and real respect for themselves and others before they try to tell us all how good they really are.


Like I said at the top I really feel for the people of Japan they did not deserve this fate has dealt them a bad had. But they have my total respect, they have showed us how we all should act in a state of emergency, they have show that we all should stay calm in the face of danger. That social order should be maintained at all times. Because with that order help can be arranged sooner and the process of recovery can commence.


Thank you for showing that civility is not a myth.



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