Sunday, January 9, 2011




Old timers may not have forgotten the operating system MS-DOS. Ok, pretty good it was. Type the command on “C PROMPT” and the old 386 system shall carry out the needful for you. Sometimes in the middle of 1995, I got introduced to a 486 system with 4M.B.Ram and Window 3.1 operating system. Well, well,well. Put your palm on the back of the mouse and make the mouse to crawl, the Window shall take you to different doors. Pretty exciting it was too. But one important aspect we did not notice or choose to ignore amongst the din and bustles, hurrah and hoopla of the mouse’s clicks is the time consumed for the computer to start in new operating system called “WINDOW.” We have traveled a long way since then and the “starting time of computer” has now assumed an irritating and disgusting amplitude.

Well, as soon as you reach office you can start your computer and go the refreshing room and refresh yourself by splashing some cool water on the face and have a glass of plain water and comeback, your computer is still in start mode with many messages rolling in the screen, which mostly we do not understand. Experts say that there are many reasons for this sluggish start up of Windows.

Windows is pretty big.

Megabytes of instructions to follow i.e. starting from opening up applications to checking what is in memory.

Windows PC comes with a whole bunch of stuffs, we do not need. Starting all the programs takes time.

If the computer is loaded with anti-virus software, it too consumes time.

Unusual long time may be due to problem with a driver or a registry.

But the world is changing fast. Apple’s recently launched laptop, Air, has quick boot-up time as it comes with an optional Solid State Drive for data storage. Unlike hard drives, SSDs work on flash memory and require no moving parts to operate. This consumes less power and boots-up faster.

World largest chipmaker Intel is developing hardware and software that will shorten boot times. But before it hits market we can try some other thing.

Now Device VM, a startup based in Silicon Valley, has a product that circumvents the everlasting boot-up. The company has recently released a tiny piece of software that, when integrated with common computer hardware, gives users the option to boot either Windows or a faster, less-complex operating system called Splashtop. Depending on the hardware and Splashtop settings, a person using the software--which is based on the open-source operating system Linux--can start surfing the Web or watching a DVD in less than 20 seconds, and, in some cases, in less than five.

Hitting the power button on any computer loads software called the basic input-output system, or BIOS, which is often stored in flash memory. The BIOS checks for hardware drivers and sets up the operating system. Splashtop is embedded in the BIOS, so it starts before the operating system is up and running. The user sees a screen with a simple interface offering a handful of options, including launching the Firefox Web browser, a media player, Skype, or an instant-messaging program, or allowing Windows to boot. The applications are stored in a flash-memory chip on the motherboard, so they can be quickly accessed--even if the hard drive fails.

DeviceVM is not alone in its effort to give people a way to bypass Windows. Phoenix Technologies, a company that develops BIOSes that run on many computers, recently announced a technology called HyperSpace, a lightweight operating system that launches at the same time Windows does. (DeviceVM is also developing a version of Splashtop that can boot alongside Windows.) HyperSpace is expected to be available in laptops very soon.

OK, till these products become popular, enjoy your time in refreshing room as PC boots up.


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