Advice on Freshwater Fish?
What is the best small pet??? gerbil,hamster,mouse,etc.!! NO RATS!!!?
flying internationally with a pet cat?
I want a pet reptile, any recommendations?
A good second pet reptile or amphibian?
Cool looking pet fish?
How long does it take for a burried pet (cat) to decompose to just bones?
How much should I charge for small pet sitting (rodents, birds)?
What is the Best Small Animal?
What is the best way to get over the absense of your family’s pet cat?
Whats a better reptile to have as a pet Ball Python or Chameleon?
What is a good vegetarian snake or other nice reptile as a pet?
What species of reptile would be good as a pet and would love to be handled?
tank size for freshwater fish?
How likely is an osprey to pick up a 15 pound pet cat?
What type of small pet should I get?
Physics – If you pet your cat, do the cat’s electrons transfer to your hand?
Good Pet snakes at hamburg reptile show?
what reptile commonly found in a pet store does not REQUIRE insects as food.?
What kind of reptile would be a good pet?
Who can give me some tips about raising a pet freshwater apple snail?
Does your cat or other pet get a Christmas or Hanukkah present from you every year?
Is 24 too old to buy a pet rat? Or any other small animal?
im looking for a small low maintenance pet that doesnt need its cage cleaned a lot?
what is the best small pet to have?
petco- do i have to be an adult/w an adult to buy a pet(small animals)? easy 10pts?
How does one fly overseas with a pet cat?
Is it hard to find a landlord that allows reptile pets?
Where are some great pet stores specializing in fish, aquatics and supplies in the Houston area?
Is it safe to buy a cat from a pet store instead of the Humane Society?
Purchasing small animals from pet stores?
What kind of pets do Veterinarians care for(small animal vets)?
whats the the best desert reptile to have as a pet?
What is the best type of reptile for a beginner pet owner?
What can I feed my freshwater fish?
How can you tell the difference between a stray cat and a pet cat?
Should i get a cat from a shelter or pet store?
whats the best pet reptile?
Best reptile pet? Considering a bearded dragon.?
What is a good reptile, or possibly amphibian pet that lives on sand?
Does a freshwater puffer fish get along with cichlids & plecos?
Okay, so i’ve been wanting a small water pet. Have any recomendations on small water animals?
What is the largest pet cat you can legally own?
How do I go about moving my pet cat to a different country with me?
Which pet reptile/amphibian would you suggest?
Where to buy a dwarf freshwater puffer fish online?
What would be a cute small pet? (10 Points)?
Is it legal to allow a pet cat to wonder the neighborhoood? Am I allowed to trap it?
How can i get rid of my pet cat that pees all over my house, without putting him down?
What is the best reptile to own as a pet?
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