Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Soldier's Trip in Matsu


For me, this was not only a trip, but a life.

In Taiwan, every man has the same experiences that cut a very short hair together or 60 people slept in a middle room. You must tolerate the snoring everywhere and wake up early to fold your comforter like a square tofu. Also, when you see the officers or corporals, remember to raise your hand and render a salute. Otherwise; you will fall into a bad condition.

That is so-called military service, a procedure to change a boy into a MAN.

I was a corporal and my company was located in a small island, Beigan. Beigan is one of the islands in Matsu. Where is Matsu? According to Wikipedia, the Matsu Islands are a minor archipelago of 19 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait administered as Lienchiang County, Fujian Province of the Republic of China (ROC).?


In other words, the Matsu islands are near China but Taiwanese government possesses the sovereign rights. Thus, they are the “frontline” of Taiwan.

50 years ago, if a soldier was assigned to guide Matsu, his family will become extremely nervous because their son might be died on the battlefield. However, now everything is changed. When you visit the Matsu Islands, you still can see soldiers walking on the roads and forts concealed on the mountains, but the atmosphere is not so nervous. Also, during the military government period, the islands cannot be developed widely, thus, conserving beautiful scenery and many valued animals and plants.

Accordingly, I consider my military service as a trip.

As a soldier, of course the life is tough. What I did is difficult to describe. Try to imagine a person who lives in a small island without many resources. If he faced any problem, he must solve it by himself. Therefore, learning to be independent is the first thing I need to do.

Beigan is far from Taiwan, so I cannot come home frequently. In average, the soldiers in Matsu can come back to Taiwan once per 2 months. For me, it is OK because I have stayed in Singapore and Turkey for 4 and 2 months before; nevertheless, for some people who haven’t left home for a long time, Matsu is similar to a foreign and far country. If they cannot adjust themselves to the new environment, they may cause some troubles for the army.

The second thing I learnt is how to live in Matsu. The above I said is somehow invisible. You must experience them by yourself. But what I want to share next is practical. If you visit these islands, you can follow my suggestions and understand the true local cultures.xyz軟體補給站

Golden Dumplings
Fish Noodles???????????????????????????????????????????????Fried Rice with Distiller’s Grains

In Matsu, every soldier has one holiday in a week. During holidays, we often travel around the island and enjoy local food. Little by little, we become half Matsu locals. I liked to eat “fish noodles” and “fried rice with distiller’s grains.” In Chinese, we called “Yu Mian” and “Jiu Zao Chao Fan.” They are very traditional and popular in Matsu, which you can see on the following photos. Sweet potato dumplings are also famous in Matsu. Most Taiwanese didn’t know this dessert before. They have golden color, so another name for “Sweet potato dumpling” is “Golden dumpling.”

I also liked to visit old villages. Every time when I saw ancient buildings, I felt as I already returned to the past. The stone houses are very special and unique. You cannot help but admiring ancestor’s wisdom and design so that the buildings are still firm and solid until now. I often drink a coffee and sit on the seashore. It seems that I was in a small island of the Aegean Sea. The life is relaxing and free.

My most favorite thing was to enjoy stars at night. Without light interference in the modern cities, the night in Matsu was much more beautiful than my hometown. I can see thousands of stars on the sky and also the shadow of the moon. It was too amazing to me when I first saw the clear shadow. At that time, I understood the most valued happiness is “simple”. If we discard the complicated life, we can find the simple delight. That’s the main reason why most Matsu locals are kind and optimistic. If you live in such a simple environment, you will understand what I mentioned.



One year past and I finished my military service. The journey is like a dream. I often imagine that I am sitting on the beach and missing home. Time flies like an arrow and my new life is going to start. I will never forget my lovely friends and tough army experience in Matsu. Also, I encourage more friends to visit these islands and be locals.?

I bet you will like the place, MATSU!

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