Thursday, January 6, 2011

A day


As a celebration for (finally) having internet access in my room, I would probably recall what happened todayl. The Tutor meeting was quite uniformative ("You are second year now, so you know your way around"), basically it was just about getting the book allowance from and the white and the blue book (which are regulations, by the way). The meeting for part III students this morning was mildly interesting (I picked up a free copy of the guide to courses, let's hope no one would miss one because of this :)). This is also the first time I have seen Totaro in person. It seems that he has the habit of stroking his hair every 5 seconds (I gave up counting after the 20th), which probably explains why his hair is unsymmetric (Stergios even caught him talking to himself at the ICM). The lectures will start tomorrow. I also met Lilian after the meeting, she was already handed in her essay (which was 20 pages long), and she is staying somewhere on Victoria Road this year (I didn't catch the exact address she said). I am currently aiming for Differential Geometry, Local Fields, Markov Chains, Galois theory, Smooth representation theory of p-adic groups, Toric Geometry, Methods and Algebraic Topology (the part II course, not the part III), but I don't have any idea how it would look like in a few weeks. Leader has agreed to let me do Quantum mechanics and Fluid dynamics next term. At the moment, I am planning to have supervisions on Analysis II, Linear algebra (though I may very well abandon the lectures for the upper courses), Galois theory and Algebraic Topology and some courses from last year. At noon,  a guy from the computing office came to my room today and within 1 hour could not find anything wrong. Thus I went to Fresher's fair with Yazid (I missed this last year) and signed up to a few societies (though I reckon that I will not have time for any of these for this year). Then I bought a sim card for my mobile, which is mainly motivated by the fact that Stergios is living too far away this year, and hence the most effective way to communicate with him is via mobile. Also he introduced me to Stefanos, who is doing a part III this year and is pursuing Algebraic Topology, which might be useful as he can lecture me about Algebraic Topology, and he is also going to Differential Geometry and Toric Geometry. The essay was finished on Monday, and currently Stergios is proof reading it (just gave it to him, but apparantly he needs to see Olga at 9, I wonder...:)). In the last 2 days, I was trying to make sense of the Special relativity notes, and am currently looking at the Feynman lectures on physics for some useful information on it (Ah, the things one do just to get a measly example sheet done) . Finally, after I come home from a long walk trying to measure the time between the CMS and Mill Lane (as I will have to make a switch in between the 10 a.m. courses and the 11a.m. courses), which unfortunately shows that it takes about 15-20 minutes to do so on foot (and hence shows an urgent need for a bicycle), I just randomly try to unplug the new power charger, and suddenly the internet work (I admire myself for this brilliant piece of work :)). As I am too tired by now, I would try to go to bed early (to save the energy to run between the lecture halls tomorrow).


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