Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No charge for cancer prescriptions


No charge for cancer prescriptions

Killing us with kindess. We pay heavily for the 'free' prescription of these killer drugs, Big Pharma does not provide them for nothing - most of the top players turn over more than the majority of nations GDPs. How generous, how very benevolent of Mr Brown, not to charge us extra in excess to the £billions we pay in the production, distribution and consumption of these cancer-causing, immune busting poisons.

What the hell IS this National Insurance for? Insurance being the ultimate protection racket. I see red and it makes me very cross to witness the utter contempt that these 'Brown's' have for the victims of their business enterprises.

Are the sheeple really so blind that they deserve nothing better than this type of children's fairy tale? I sometimes have to shake myself in astonishment at how rapidly the ammo is being fired at us from all directions at once and yet, as with a life-threatening event, it seems to be happening in slow motion. Perhaps this is as a result of being fully present and awake. I am livid at being addressed in this patronising manner in light of the truth.

The truth is that The Elite have long planned a Utopian world of their own design with humans made to order and measure. In these final degrees of the 'old age', a sizeable majority of people are to be erradicated whilst all will be sterilised. There are so very many ways that this has and is being done to us. In the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat and the vaccines and tablets from our first breath on earth to our last, we are bombarded in a military campaign to enslave to exterminate profitably. The cancer racket is a phenominal work of artistry for genocide, proving the effeciency of mind-control, perception control and birth control. Birth control means exactly what it says. Chew on it for awhile.

Are the sheep really bleating "oh, that dear old Mr Brown, bless 'im, now I can get my slow-suicide drugs for nothing". Tell me it ain't so. Before the so-called cancer crusade, it was virtually unknown but with so much successful investment via PR/Media, it has rapidly mastecised into a major killer, if not the major killer of our kind. Yet, such is the programming that even intelligent, fearless people cannot 'risk' not following the orthodox recipe, despite the glaringly obvious results. What they call 'remission' most people are conditioned to believe means something like 'recession' - that the cancer recedes, going into recline. What it actualy means that the 'medication' has nuked the immune system, with the body going into shock - no action anywhere, it's seized up. That's why cancer almost always 'returns' as the immune system recovers.

I wonder if, one day, there'll be adverts for 'Free rape" or "Free Torture" and people will see these as a privilege, as a caring gift from concerned benefactors. There is a new wage 'positive thinking' site which has apparently true accounts of all manner of horrible experiences for which the authors are grateful; rape being among them - so this idea is not so far-fetched as it might appear. People go into the army or navy willingly and that is pure torture and billions are saturated with war games and war fantasies via the media. This participation earns billions for The Browns. People perform and passively participate in all forms of pornography, which is rape and this too is an enormous money-spinner. Humanity has voted for murder and rape, death and torture, suffering and slavery and they ENJOY IT. They think it's entertaining, even.

For this is what Brown is saying; "hurry up and die, here, we won't charge you extra" and an immensely profitable slow agonising death is too. The Cancer Research Campaign is a wonderful example of how this system is, what runs it and why. They laugh at those millions of well-meaning people raising funds and suffering the heartache of witnessing those they love or experiencing their own painful and frightening journey into the labyrinths of medical murder. Brown should be told to open his fat jowls and stuff this poison down his considerable gullet.

It has recently been revealed that the so-called Flu Jab contains HN15 - ex-military have been brought to death with life-long debilitary diseases since being jabbed. These are the fittest physcially and the youngest. The elderly are also heavily targeted for this killer jab, where there is a high take-up and many die as a result sooner, rather than later. Babies are being attacked via their mothers with false HIV screenings and readings. They are then forced to take 'AIDS' drugs whilst pregnant. All the while, HIV is an essential component of human biological health and it is the drugs which kill immunity, causing AIDS.

Waking Up is akin to landing fresh on the face of the Earth, mature, alert and aware. It's quite astonishing to realise that all of this and more had been going on all the time before you awoke and that you too, had been subjected to all of this insanity, before you had a choice, because your parents didn't know they had a choice. Yet, at 17 whilst caring for terminally-ill cancer patients, I came to realise that the drugs were killing them - that was the end of any notions I had of fulfilling my little-girl ambitions of being a nurse. In the intervening years, all that I instinctively knew has proven to be truth, through knowledge, the extent of which shocking- going back hundreds if not thousands of years. Just to arrive here in the middle of artillery fire from all directions.

The sheep don't hear, see or feel the bullets because their perceptions have been distorted to the extent that bad is good and good, bad. Unease, yes and muted fear, certainly. But you mention the word 'cancer' and everyone feels it's the certain end. They then, obligingly give up, follow doctor's orders and slowly die. Same with AIDS in Africa. As soon as a person is diagnosed, the family isolate them and they are seen as dead people walking. They just lie down and die. It's all a fabulous con - the cancer is real enough often enough but the causes are harmlessly, easily, painlessly and cheaply irradicated. The causes of cancer is where the attention should and must be.

And talking of corruption, how many mps have shares in Big Pharma? Who really owns Monsanto and what laws are passed allowing them to poison and starve us to death, alter our DNA with mice, plants, fish and heaven knows what else. Shiver my whiskers! Now that would be transparancy. How many shares has Brown in bio-warfare corporations and what kickbacks does he enjoy from them and their charitable foundations and trusts, I wonder? Shouldn't we know, don't we have the right to know?

Codex Alimentarius is a revelation in itself. This law has been worked on for so very long and perfected to failproof proportions. It is wide-reaching and a direct assualt on the public right to choose nutrition for health and vitality. They are pushing for this to be law on 31st December 2009 - how many congressmen will bother being there on that date to contest, even if they had a mind to? We are strangled and entangled in their legislation, most of which we havent a clue about because we are not consulted. If and when we are, the spin is so thorough, that we go dizzy with the issue(s) and fog out, accepting the justification as presented with or without scripted and scholarly debate.

We can't fart without breaching some bloody environmental law or other in line with Agenda 21 but it is only through Compliance that these laws are any more substaintial than a snowflake on a summers day. Fearful little goody-two-shoes, know-nothing sheep, buy into the fiction of legislation and compliance, thus making an absurdity the reality.

The medical mafia are psycopaths at top of their league, they kill in millions with relish and are dizzy with euphoria at now killing billions. The Joke is, we're 'gagging for it'! Awakening, I can see with growing astonishment that the people are actually praying and paying, demanding and pleading for their massacre. It's horrible to witness the nobles obligue' of the Oligarchy as they faithfully deliver the death thrust.

The causes of cancer are deliberate and if we continue to ignore the cause and foolishly attempt to stamp out the effects, we're completely doomed and deserve to be. By facing the causes of cancer, we face the causes of the whole ruddy system which is the mother of all cancers. Then we can eliminate the cause, restoring and exceeding health and prosperity hithero unkown in these past hundreds of years. Brown and his chain of command, beside, above and beneath him are blatently showing us the cause, yet the sheeple are ever focussed on the effect. But yippee, we can afford to go quietly to our graves and peace will reign on earth.

We've been so thoroughly mesmerised, that most don't even seem to care much about the reality they're in - does a fish know it is swimming in water? Does it know there are birds in the sky overhead?

The more I study the psychopathy of these types, the more I understand their perspective. Whilst it is abhorent, I understand their laws, the higher law to which they must adhere as much as each of us must unequavically. We are equally granted the rewards of freedom or bondage, pleasure or pain according to our respect for that which is. This is perfect justice. It is impartial, equal in dispensation as is the sun. It is available to each and all, regardless of circumstance, for it forms circumstance. Because it is an essential to and within all life, this law has been clouded by the Illuminati, in order that, like the Sun behind Chemtrails, we cannot see, yet the sun and The Law continues, regardless of ignorance.

This particular law can be found in The Talmud and no doubt throughout all religious texts. It is the law which says that all is fair: you must give another fair warning of your intention. If the other fails to object, protect or defend themselves, then they are the victims of their own crime, for not heeding the warning and in their apathy, have given permission for the taking of that which they do not value. All is fair - in love of war-fare.

Yes, they have given us fair warning yet we have failed to hear, failed to listen, failed to respond and failed to defend. Our ears, defeaned with meaningless entertainment, repetitive slogans, neurotic thoughts. Our eyes blinded by magickal technicolour appearances, cheap rubbish, glitz and glam. Our feelings driven below the surface, perverted into pornography or sentiment or spectator dramas and sport. All substitutions for life. We have chosen to lie down and die. The television ratings prove it. Either life is important to us or it is not. It is not worth fighting for? Aldous Huxley said during his 1958 interview that 'the price of freedom is constant vigilence'. How vigilent have we been, people? Are children not mesmerised into where the magician leads them, so they fail to see how the magick is done and suddenely - poof - it's there?

Each one of us has access to this law and must align with it - it is survival. If humanity values life if humanity values the concept of freedom (they've never known it) then they must fight with everything to claim it back to make it so. It's no good blaming god because there are 'bad 'uns' in the neighbourhood. There are. It just is. But it is a lethal mistake to believe that these bad apples have any more power than we do.

They do not get more sun, they just shadow it from us if we allow it. There is no need for them to infect the orchard. They could simply rot away without contaminating the sweet fruits. We are those sweet fruits and we must wake up and shake off what we have allowed whilst we were sleeping under the serpents spell. The symbol of the medical profession is the double-twined serpents around the rod of iron - The Caduceus. Hermes, Mercury, Merchants, The Trickster, The Magician who always needs the fools. They didn't exist and at one point which they will 'not forget' humanity almost defeated them. So they forged a long-term goal of stealthy study, experimentation and perfecting the play to the end goal. This spans thousand of years.

As with any war, on those who did not declarr it, this will not be won by accepting the enemy's back-firing rifle because it's a pretty pink colour and tastes nice. Neither will it be won by firing pellet guns against lasers. It will not be won through leaping on the pylon naked with the illusion of changing it's shape or function - to get fried alive via politics and the political or legal process. It will be won within each for each in victory or failure. Those who give their all for victory have their reward in honouring the very best and highest within all. Those who fail, only do so through ignorance, imposed ignorance. But it can be broken if it's important enough. To me and others akin, it is that important. Those who never start will fail through betrayal. Betrayal of themselves and all that is. I, could not live or die with this burden, this cowardice, this apathy. The Law dictates that those do not deserve to live by their own thoughts, words and actions day by day, opportunity slipping away and yet they obey without question, the orders of their enemies. Regardless at the steady chipping away of their mountain, until there's no more than a shallow mound in the ground. All for an easy life which gets ever more difficult, so they dive for a life in the refuge convenience, shrinking further away from their own liberation.

It is to be achieved through brutal self honesty which provides clarity; hence to thine own self be true.

So, it has come so far, way to far to go back due to our lack of vigilance. Yet, one must start from where one awakens, for few know the past to judge the future. Yet, but it is all there, here to learn of the enemy and how we have all been born into a web of deceits set up way beyond our great great grandparents and theirs. It is now that The Law must be understood and lived.

There are many laws, all of truth within found in scripture and many texts from Dickens to Shakespeare to grafitti on the wall but which is the fairest of them all? Know Thyself and To Thine Own Self Be True. To Be, or not To Be, that is the question.

What of the Hippocratic Law of First, Do No Harm? How has this been subverted? When I learn of how the Fabian Socialists have managed to englobalise the planet under one law and order, one god, they 'first did not harm' .

They first, championed the rights of 'the workers', the downtrodden, the women. They provided 'services' and 'benefits' which appeared to be for the good of the people. The unions, political movements, civil rights organisations gave enticements for people to become accustomed to, dependent on, addicted to. Make haste slowly; first do not harm. Then later, as like NOW, the harm is evident and the harm is done. This is how The Law is interpreted and twisted by The Browns. It matters not that the interpretation of The Law is used like this, what matters is that we are programmed to worship it, give our lives and the lives of our children into service to it. Therefore, it is of our choice and will and it will be done. This is justice, this is the law.

If someone holds a magnifier under the sun and starts a fire destroying vast areas of woodland and wildlife, homes and families, so be it. The Sun is not aggrieved or concerned. If another grows magificent vineyards producing the finest of wines, it matters not to the sun, it just is, it gives. So we are the vineyard and they are the vindictive fire-starters, the Pyrates. How do we use this allegorical 'sun' that moves through all at the service of all? In burning the planet? For this is what is to be unless we will and do it otherwise.

First, Do No Harm. Make the punter desire it, ask for it, make them demand it. Sweet or Sour that's their choice. I have lived by first, do not harm because I have not volition to do so. There is no cause, no effect. Those who live this pay a seemingly heavy price in worldly system terms, the terms of the enemy. The reward is the strength and self respect from not living on those unrewarding, laborous and boring terms. However, just defence is mandatory and in perfect alignement with The Law.

This is why they have a 'dept for defence' and why they always justify attack on the pretext of 'defence' through false-flagging which is endemic in psychological aand physical warfaire. They are few, we are many and we give them our tremendous power in order to boost their efforts in destroying us by dividing us.

We cannot fight fire with fire, even if we ever had the means. It is a backfiring rifle in a suicidal strategy and perfect for the enemy. We are at war. We did not choose this war. We did not know of this war. We are here but a short time and cannot conceive of how vital our lives are in fighting this war. But we have to create new ways, our inique and creative ways. All else is a set-up, a booby-trap, honey-trap, death trap, clap trap.

So fank you Gordon Brown - definitely vote for you at the next election. Cancer drugs for free - whoopee. After all, they follow The Law of Do As Thou Wilt is the whole of the law. The suns shines on. I/We follow And it Do No Harm, Do As thou Wilt. So we're back to Hippocrates' First, Do no Harm. The people are happy with thier suicide, who are we to upset them with responsibility?

We are heading toward the slaughterhouse, smelling and nibbling at the flowers along the primrose paths of fantasy, demanding more of this grass or less of those nettles instead of heading away from the killing fields and getting the damn thing closed down after it's owners and operators are despatched by their own designs.

Meanwhile, keep taking those tablets, Red Pill or Blue?



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