Monday, January 10, 2011

Chances are?


She greeted me with a glowing smile and pulled a stool out for me ...I could see from her appraisal of me that I'd 'passed muster'  and felt a silly girlish thrill of pleasure...she told me our table would only be few minutes (maybe!.....smiles) but would I like a glass of wine to 'fortify me"?....would I ever?!!...yes please I husked and thoroughly enjoyed the thrill of being waited on by an attractive due course our table and my wine arrived simultaneously so we headed for the dining area and plonked ourselves I could relax I took a more notice of my chance  companion and was delighted by my good fortune,hmmmm...she was older and appeared very confident and self assured...which is a trait I admire in anyone (especially women)...she gave me the impression of being ;'nobody's fool" and that was even better...she appeared to be full of enthusiasm without being "gushing" and I sat back and prepared to enjoy the evening...

She was en route back to Australia and had checked into Singapore for a few days R&R and when she saw the chaos the weather had precipitated she was very gratful...and so was I !!....she wore a skirt that clung to her haunches whenever she moved about and she was what I would term a 'womanly woman"....large breasts that jiggled just a little and her whole appearance was that of a 'fecund female"...when we'd ordered our meal we took time out to exchange a few confidences about ourselves and life in general....I noticed she wore no rings but said nothing...she's tell me in good time I thought...from time to time our hands would "accidentally" touch as we passed items back and forth..and once I even felt her leg brush against mine ...and her husky voice was beginning to turn my legs to jelly...several times I crossed and recrossed my legs and felt distinctly moist in my groin!...thank God I'd taken the step of wearing a thong!...otherwise I'd be dripping on the floor!!

Our meal was wine wise likewise and I sat back to bask in the glow of utter contentment,ah yessssss... but all too soon Janet suggested we head back to our room...she had an early flight to catch (weather permitting) in the we gathered our things together and headed back to our "nest"....several times our hips bumped and I felt the glow  of rising excitement moisten my she bent to slip the key in the hole I was once again afforded the wonderful sight of her arse stretching  the material of her skirt across her was all I could do NOT to raech out and caress it..OMG....once inside she indicated the bathroom if I wished to shower again....I decided I would as my last effort was a mere 'lick and a promise' so as not to keep her waiting down-stairs...she called out I could use her dressing gown if I wished and it was hanging behind the door....''In the shower I luxuriated in the hot water  and sensuous smell of perfumed soap and toilettries...I couldn't help caressing the smoothness of my mons and was suprrised how swollen and tender it was.....even my nipples were aching a trifle so I began tugging and tweaking them....I was on the verge of cumming I decided and was in two minds whether to do just that or.......wait abit...I decided to wait (good girl Michelle ...I smiled at my misted reflection in the mirror

Towelling myself dry I slipped into Janets's dressing gown ...and after perfuming my self and brushing my teeth,opened the door into the bedroom...Janet was sitting in front of the dressing table brushing her hair...the only light on was a bedside one which gave the room a soft gentle aura of intimacy...she smiled at me in the mirror and placing her brush down,stood up and gave me her full attention...she was wearing a negligee which was virtually diaphanous and held in place by a loose sash....I  was frozen as I gazed at her almost nude body..her breasts were large and well formed and her nipples were "tenting" the front of her gown....suddenly nodding to herself as though having come to a decision she moved towards me...and as she did so her gown came open revealing her neatly trimmed pubic bush..OMG ...taking me by the shoulders she leaned forward and we kissed...long/hard and passionately...her tongue was like an oral cock as she probed my mouth and I responded by sucking hard upon it! of use groaned and the next moment the both of us were locked in each others embrace....



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