Monday, December 20, 2010

Entry for 25 June 2007


Dear Friends,

Just a quickie to say Hi, hope this finds you all well. My kids are all doing well, steven (20) has moved out of his father's into his own flat but continues to work beside his father in Tesco's, I'm proud of him. David (19) is still working in McDonalds and lives in his own flat, I'm really proud of him. Kayleigh (18) has left University in Wales and returned Home as she has decided to join the Army, she told me recently that if she continues to go to Uni then after 3 years she will have one possibly two qualifications and have a whopper £18.000 debt where as if she joins the Army, she can have as many as a dozen qualifications, earn a decent wage and not have any debt for the same length of time. She certainly has her head screwed on for an 18 year old, I'm extremely proud of her. Bruce (17) is still working in McDonalds beside David, he is also sharing the flat with David, which is really close to where my little girls and I live, a little too close to be honest as it's not the first time David or Bruce has phoned or txted to say 'Mum, can you spare some milk?' or 'Mum can you lend me some money so I can get to work?' etc etc, lol. Enya will be 12 on September 30 and she goes to High School/Secondary School in August after the Summer Holidays, she continues to do very well and is still in the top group of her class, i'm really proud of her. Shania (7) goes into Primary 3 afterr the Summer Holidays, her Teacher has told me that as far as she is concerned, Shania will never be anthing other than average in school as she refuses to concentrate in class or do anything for herself, but if she is doing one-to-one with her Teachers she does everything brilliantly. Shania had a horrific Epileptic Seizure the day she was 15 months and it left her a little behind so she required speech therapy till she caught up again, but although Shania may not be as fast as other children, I don't care, as far as I'm concerned Shania is alive, healthy, and if she wants to take her time doing things that's her right, and I will never push her to do anything I know she can't do, just as I never push my other children to do anything I know they can't do. I love all my children unconditionally and all I ask is they do their best in what ever they do, remain healthy and happy that's all any of us can ever ask of our kids. My own health is better these days and I still have good days and bad days, but thankfully it's mostly good days I have these days. I'm still doing my 'Working for Families' course and I'm in my 5th week of my 6 week work placement. I started doing 3 weeks Main Reception Work in the City Chambers which I absolutely loved doing as Dawn the other girl who usually works there was on holiday for a couple of weeks so it meant I was kept better once I'd spent the first day or two observing how Mags worked. I'm now in the Council's new building at Waverly Court, unfortunately for me the Main Reception is fully covered here so I can't get the same 'hands on' experience that I got at the City Chambers, which is extremely frustrating to me as I work 9:15am-12pm & 1pm-3:30pm Monday-Thursday and 9:15 am-12pm &1pm-2:30pm Fridays so I spend most of my time there being bored out of my brain! Lol. But they are a great croud to work with and I'll be sorry to leave them a week on Friday. I was hoping to be able to get a full-time permanent job at the end but sadly that doesn't look very likely now because after the Elections on May 3 2007 there have been some major changes as the Government have changed so much and staff don't know who still has their job or not, a lot have been told to accept pay cuts by as much as £10.000 which is a hell of a lot to lose in anyones book, and I can understand their anger at losing such a huge amount of money. I think I might have to try to get a job elsewhere, sadly. I might not be able to get something for a couple of months but I'm not too worried about that as I have finally got my dental appointments to get my teeth fixed, sadly the normal golf ball that steven threw at me hitting me in the face when I was expecting Enya, has caused too much damage and I have lost the top set of my teeth with only the roots left behind so I'm having to be sedated so that the dentist can take the roots and the remaining teeth out and replace them with dentures. I'm told I'll be in the chair for an hour at a time and I'm going to have one hell of a sore mouth for a few days each time, because I'm anemic I've been given 4 appointments two weeks apart but hopefully I can get it done in two or three appointments but either way I'm not looking forward to it in any shape or form, the only way I can cope with it is to keep telling myself it will all be worth it when I get my lovely smile back, but I'm still absolutely terrified that's one reason why I'm having to be sedated in the first place!! Lol.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge Thank You to each and every one of you for the beautiful Birthday Wishes sent to my E~Mail Address, here on 360, txt msgs to my mobile phone, and the beautiful Birthday Cards sent to my home Address for my 47 Birthday on May 28, I'm really touched and you all helped make my day Special. Enya and Shania made me a huge beautiful card, and their father remembered my Birthday for once and bought a card for them to give me, A close Friend gave me a lovely card, a bottle of Babycham, a beauiful silver necklace, chocolates, a beautiful crystal rose ornament, a beautiful cute 'Sidney polar bear with his cub' ornament, a special mug for my cuppa tea, as I luv my cuppas, and Shane's normal mugs are too small for the amount of tea I drink! lol. I also got a lovely card from one of Shane's Friends whom I've known for years also.

Sunday June 17, was a day of mixed emotions for a lot of us here in the UK because it was Father's Day, sadly my Dad died 4 years ago on February 16, (just 6 days before Shania's Birthday) there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him and I miss him so much. June 17 was also the Anniversary of the Falkland Islands Conflict which ended on this day 25 years ago. I was only about 21 at the time but I still remember the horror, the fear and how sick I felt when I heard the news that Argentina had invaded the Falkland Islands. Ofcourse the Argentinans thought they would have a quick victory and they certainly did not expect the wrath of our first and only female Prime minister, Mrs Margaret Thatcher, who was often known as the 'Iron Lady' Mrs Thatcher very quickly sent a huge Task Force to the Islands, in fact it was the biggest consignment of men since World War II but sadly we still lost 55,000 of our brave guys in a bloody battle lasting over 80 days, I'm sure to our guys it felt more like 80 years! The BBC showed full coverage of the moving Service, including a choir whose soloist sang a beautiful version of Rod Stewart's classic 'Sailing' which had everyone joininging in, which was held both on the Falkland Islands and on Horse Guard Parade in Central London. Prince Edward laid a wreath on the Falkland Islands on behalf of his mother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. In London Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, took the salute from aproximately 9.000 Ex-Serving and Serving men and women paying tribute to our guys, after the service, the Falkland Veterans and current Serving Personel, proudly marched along the Mall in London to the Queen Victoria Memorial where Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, stood with his second wife Camilla, Mrs Thatcher, Tony Blair (He only has a few days remaining as our Prime Minister before handing the Governmet reigns to Gordon Brown who has been Chancellor all the years Tony Blair has been in Office) to take the salute. The Queen's middle Son, Prince Andrew, Duke of York was a young Hellicopter Pilot during the Falklands Conflict, and Prince Andrew decided to get out of his official car and march alongside his Comrades down the Mall which was lovely to see. When all the Falkland Veterans, Military Personel and all their Familiy and Friends reached the bottom of the Mall, the croud stretched right back to the Arches at the other end. There was an awesome Fly-Past at the very end, there were Sea Harriers, Sea Kings, 4 Commando Sea Kings (which are more commonly used for Search and Rescue these days), 5 Lynx Aircraft, Apache Helicopters, (the very same type that 4 Brave Marines tied themselves to the side of in the infamous Brave Rescue Mission they carried out to bring back their Fallen Brother-in -Arms) Chinooks, 5 Training Hercules planes, 2 huge Hercules used to transport Troops and heavy Armoured Vehicles to where they are needed during any conflict anywhere in the world. There were also the Eurofighter, Typoon Planes, the VC10 which are used for Air-to-Air Refueling, the Hawks, an RAF Nimrod and then came our very own Red Arrows Display Team, they were in a 'V' shape to commerate the Vulcan Bombers. When the Red Arrows let off their trade-mark Red White & Blue smoke as they flew overhead, there was a huge roar of approval from the crowd below, by this time I had a huge lump in my throat and tears raining down my face, as I had my make-up on I ended up having 'panda eyes' lol

Sadly my 'Making It work For Families' Course with the City of Edinburgh Council has finished, my last day of my Work Experience Placement was on Tuesday June 26 2007 but I really enjoyed it. Sadly I don't have a Full-Time Permanent Job to go on to yet, however I have sent 2 or 3 Application Forms to the Council for Jobs that I'd like to be considered for, so please keep your fingers crossed (And anything else you want to cross, lol) that something turns up very soon. I'm trying to keep 'Positive Thoughts' and I'm sure something will turn up soon.

I'll close here before I bore you to tears, if I've not already done so!! Lol

To all my Friends, I hope you are all well, to my British and American Servicemen/women and Emergency Personel, PLEASE Take Care, Remain Safe & God Bless you all, may His Angels watch over you all until you can return home safely to your Families and Friends. Keeping each and every one of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and Hugs

Chrissy xoxox


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