After batteling against each other we find the answer is peace . Why ? NO 1 )is that we lost the war . No 2 )No power to fight aginst each other No 3) We realise that we didn't fight for anything because we have lost everyone and everything due to war .
A country has lost manpower( people who can work) towards the progress of one country . Many funds are wasted due to war . Poor people are poorer due to war while the rich people are richer . These are some incidents that took place when fighting a war . Most of all we lost our loved ones due to war too . I feel the war started due to goverments and funded by people who never thought that war would affect to their door step . Why ? The extreimist theory can be fed sometimes in a war . A extrimest is a person who kills another person to prove his points are correct using any method . Who doesn't think of two sides of the story . He stands strongly in his opinion and destroy anyone who tries to go ahead of him or his power . The extremist becomes a extremist due to power . He never thinks killing a person is bad in his life . There are many extreimist in our country . Its can be due to many reasons : bussiness ,politics ,love ,hate and war . Sometimes if you can't control yourself and kill a person for your personal need or anger without any fear this person can be called as a extreimist . We are human beings why we are different from animals ?is becuase we have thinking power and a self control . Once our own self isn't doing good deeds then we can call ourselves as extrimists . Extremists have only one thought . They have no self control ,entertainment or religion . Many people are not considering humans as humans . When peopel are not considered as humans this is when the revenge takes place . Then many people become extemists . People can be strong only with a revenge . Once the revenege is turned to calm down they are unable to kill even an animal .This is the time they become good . They will feel killing is bad .
Extemist becomes an extrimist due to revenge , motivation , poverty , power,Race and religion .If we can educate people about the extrimists I belive in future they will have a self control . We can educate the young children about this concepts . If one person in a country is an extremist , I am sure he will be able to shake the whole world with his powers . A good example is Prabkaran and the president . What does both of them do ? They both tries to show their power on T.V or from the web . President doesn't allow any political party to speak on the National T.V only his family members and the minsiters . I see president and the minsters morning till evening bury stones to lay foundation for new projects . Then after couple of months they open the building . Prabkaran on the other hand show that the goverment is harming them .This is life people are different and some Sri-lankan polititions are extremists too.
Yesterday I watched a submarine that had been captured by the Army . Its a huge submarine .I have never seen something like that in my life . WHO FUNDED ALL THESE ? How much money wasted on these submarine . Is Prabakaran foolish to spend money on these ? Did Prabakaran think that these submarines are Toys ? who took it to Srilanka ? I am supriced . wow !!! What a LTTE . I feel sorry for the money that was wasted on the war . I am sure thats the reason world economy has decreased . Many countries funded LTTE . I feel sorry for the tamils money . What a waste . I am sure Prabakaran will be beaten by many females . Why ? Their husbands and sons might have funded LTTE . What a waste ?I feel we can sell those for Steel . We can earn a lot of money . We can also sell the plane that crashed into colombo . This way we can fund many people who were affected by war . I am sure Prabakran might have thought the the submarines are toys . When I watch the about the war on T.V . I feel I am watching a cartoon . Its not ! real people die . The suffering and the pains of the people are not a game . It must be heard .No one can close eyes or ears for the dead people and people who are affected by war .
I also watched that the slum dog millioner won many oscar awards . It is a great movie . I like the way its been directed and also the words ,thoughts and most of all the reality of life presented in the movie is the truth . In that movie I adore a certain qoute . Its the only reason I like it very much . In one scene the parents died of the hindu muslim fight the guy said " If alla and shiva god were not born my mother will be still alive ".Its the truth . If there were no religion and race people wouldn't fight . Why didn't the god create only one language ? I was thinking the same . If there was one language and one religion in the world there won't be any fights among people . Every one is equal and share the same thoughts . There won't be a war .
I belived why god created many religions is for us to learn new things from each religion . This way we learn to respect the religions and their cultures . We can learn many things from each religion . If we learn good things from each religion we wouldn't feel any diffence in people . I learnt from Muslims the joy of sharing . When I use to visit their places I always see them seated and eating together in one plate . I saw a unity in them . I don't know how much far it applies to the muslims but this is what I saw . They also were pretty decent and covered from head to toe . I learnt to become religious . When a muslim lady visited to my place in India, I saw her praying 5 times . Though she was poor they worshiped and blieved in Allah . They never expose their body . I learnt the faith in god was poweful to muslims . Thats why they prayed 5 times . My Arabian friend told that he will give me a a secret C.D to watch about power of god Allah . Since he lived far away I was unable to ask it . He said it explains why they worship Allah . I feel the faith they keep on god Allah is very strong . I am a buddhist but to learn about a religion or read about a religion and respect a realigion there should be no Bar .
I also learnt from Hindunissm the cleanliness and their faith to god . Many Hindus use to have a bath in the morning and light the oil lamp before they go to work . As a rule they must have a bath before enter a kovil . They also light the oil lamp after taking a bath in every morning . They also clean their house . Poor people wash their house with water . Many Hindus believe that keeping your house clean would invite the gods to be with them . They also have a faith in gods . I have not seen many people visit the kovil in India but there are so many Kovils every village in India . Many hindus visit the Kovil in festive season . Yesterday I watched a "shiva rathri "program on T.V . I am unable to understand since its only explained in Tamil . I watched the same program on Shakthi and Rupavahini but they spoke only in tamil .
As I believe there was a close friendship between the sinhaleese , muslims and the tamils in the past . We had alternetive kings ruling us . Sinhala and tamil . All did a service to our country . Many kings in Sri-lanka married from tamilnadu as well . I feel this shows the close relation between the sinhaleese and the tamils . They didn't eat the felsh of Sri-lankans . Tamil kings respected our religion . They believed that majority was sinhaleese . They honered the sinhaleese culture too . In history many tamil kings were buddists or they embraced buddhism . They believed the power of the temple tooth and that it proteceted our country . They also respected the buddist priests .Many kings protected the tempel tooth since they knew the value of it in a buddhist country .Buddhism was protected by Tamil kings as well . In the past our country had a rule saying a sinhaleese buddist should be the ruler of Sri-lanka . Many tamil kings believed and respected it . Sinhaleese priest presented a name which honered the king . They used a Sinhahala name in the end of their names or in front of their name . All sinhaleese kings and tamil kings after capturing the kindom studied about the Sri-lankan culture and they all appreciated it . Many kings accepted the rules and regulations within the country . I feel all the kings accepted the rules and regulation and did a lot for the country as well as buddism in history . This is the history .Many tamils are not aware of the Sri-lankan culture and our country or the history .
There are some hidden facts such as: were there any tamil buddists in the past in Srilanka ?ect . A ruler becomes a ruler in Srilanka when you catch the land or you kill the king with the aid of people .It has changed after the British came to our country . It said that a president is chosen by the majority of vote and a parliment . In ancient time we killed each other to gain the power of a country . Now its not killing each other but the path of peace . Killing can bring only revenge and heart break . Its the 21 st century remeber that . There should be no killing . We are different from animals and possess a developed mind .
There are sinhaleese , tamils and muslims in this country . We must all act together . Tamils should be provided a with equal opportunity . There musn't be another Eelam . We must act as Sri-lankans . We must give the equal rights for them to act as Srilankans . We didn't have a problem with the tamils before .Why now ? Its the population problem . We all are Srilankans . Sinhaleese were the land owners but tamils were the invaders . Sinhaleese as Srilankans won many battels against invaders . Later the invaders and sinhaleese battel against other invaders as "SRI-LANKANS ".
Tamils have lived in Srilanka too . We must provide them a best solutions and teach them act together not sperated . There shouldn't be a gap saying tamil , sinhaleese or muslims . We are Sri-lankans . There should be a solution to all tamils , sinhaleese and mulims . We must act as a country . Not separated . We did it many years before . We had a friendship between the tamils , sinhaleese and muslims . Why has it drifted now ? ITS DUE TO POLITICS AND POWER .
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