I'm surprised they didn't simply haul out all those pictures of miners lungs, like they used to, to show people the effects of smoking, when really it was tar from inhaling coal dust. But people wouldn't relate to that, as we don't have miners anymore, do we? Thanks to Mr I'm-paid-a-wadge-of-money-in-Euroland-Scargill. And I'm-just-a-grocer's-daughter-from-Grantham-Thatcher.
No. Now the myth progresses to a mere 'concept of ageing lungs' - not fact, mind, concept. Not photographs either, a simple diagram. A figment of imagination, and they call this science? Should have had a local primary school competition to see who could draw the best concept of ageing lungs. Without attending an autopsy of two people of exactly the same age, one who smoked, one who did not, how could these smokers possibly know or verify that what they are being told isn't fanciful drivel?
Shame on you smokers for being so easily tricked and cowed. Do you not remember those raining nights you braved the elements in adventure of tracking down an all-night petrol station in pursuit of your desire? Outside offices puffing in dignity, defiant at such attempted humiliation.
One little psychological experiment led by Dr Gary Parkes, a family GP in Hertfordshire - very scientific, Gary. And he gets exposure in esteemed journal? Next!
The WHO (?) claims lots of erroneous things and is responsible for a great deal of suffering and death throughout the World. The claim of 4m people 'are dying of smoking' a year is based on what evidence? If this is the Global total, then out of some 6bn people, smoking must be one of the least lethal occupations on the World death league. Perhaps this is the cause of its unpopularity withing Guv' and pseudoscientific circuls - too damn little and too damn slow.
Yes, we know that smoking is highly pleasurable and therefore, addictive and we don't need WHO to tell us that. It's a fact. We rely on WHO for other things, like murdering African babies in the millions, not for really important issues like smoking-related deaths.
As for undiagnosed emphysema, if the condition is undiagnosed, it is obviously not causing any discomfort to the diagnosee, else it would have been 'diagnosed' all the sooner. I distinctly recall reading several authoratative reports which emphasised that the most like cause of emphysema were immunisations for pnemonia and tuberculosis. These days, we could most likely add the Flu jab to that list. I personally know of two elderly non-smokers who died of emphysema; a brother and sister. They both did exactly what the doctors told them, had their jabs and dutifully died. Perhaps lethal obedience runs in the family; a genetic disorder.
As for cancers, well, what doesn't cause this most popular and, dare I say, wildly profitable diagnosis? Let's take, shall we, the admission of one most eminent authority, Dr Salk, who generously developed the polio vaccine for us good folk. Salk admitted that his vaccine contained a virulant coctail of some 140 - one hundred and forty - live viruses to every vaccine administered to children and adults. He was also candid enough to inform us that the sole purpose of this vaccine was to produce CANCER. Thank you, Dr Salk on behalf of Ian Dury.
Sex 'n Drugs 'n Rock 'n Roll, keep your silly ways, or throw them out the window, the wisdom of your days, I've been there and I know lots of other ways, what a stupid gamble, if all you ever do is business you don't like .... reasons to the cheerful? Yet Bockhead doctors administer lethal toxins to Blockhead patients and their unfortunate Blockhead children.
Now, look at all those wonderful vaccines stabbed into babies, children, adults and the elderly. Consider how the marvels of this 'science' have progressed in efficiency since the Polio vaccine was developed ...... vaccines are now tailor made to be specific to racial gene types. This was an area Dr David Kelly was working on with Porton Down most likey for ariel dispersement. The appliance of science. This 'science' has been creating monsters out of their trans-genetic hybrids; part human-octopus, human-ape and a wonderful Disney-cum-Lewis Caroll menagerie of horrors. As usual, the public is duped into believing that these applications are currently under 'debate' with Catholic MPs being allowed to opt out of voting in favour of 'proposals' as a matter of 'conscience' - con-science.
It's a wonder that any of us live long enough to acquire the wonderful array of cancers from all those vaccines given since childhood. Some of us don't, of course, and there are many grieving parents to prove it. Parents who've been callously blamed for the death of their beloved babes and actually imprisoned, rather than Big Pharma being uncovered as the real murderers. All the strange, crippling illnesses and deformities .... no wonder smokers smoke and drinkers drink and people take soothing, uplifting and escapist 'non-medicated' drugs.
The majority of us do not snuff it at the first few jabs, but nurture the toxins like incubators until the immune system is comprised enough to enable the cancers to develop. This long-term incubation period, conveniently masks the original cause of the cancer, whilst enabling Big Pharma to profit further with Chemo and Radio 'therapy'; both of which demolish the immune system and this is termed 'remission' as the body goes into toxic shock. After this, 'tis only a question of time .... before money-spinning surgery, more 'treatment' and the inevitable 'sorry there's no more money we can make from you' as you slither off home to die, with the aid of euthanasia via those wonderful MacMillan nurses.
When we hear of a spate of deaths which are attributable to this or that vaccine or drug, we are looking at 'trials' - live experimentation on patients. Big Pharma aims to produce poisons which do not kill immediately, people might catch on that they are being murdered, Pharma might suffer via law suits.
They do this to little children, don't they? They do this to the elderly, steal their homes and lock them up to be slowly poisoned to death. And people STILL trust the Guv, still trust the Doctor...... Must be something in the vaccines.
In USA, parents are forced by law to have their children vaccinated. How clear does it have to be that Guv' is murdering the people?
The cancer 'charities' will never find a 'cure' for the disease they cause - gosh, imagine all those billions of donations all drying up. But cures are easy, if one keeps away from the 'treatments' and cancers could be vastly reduced and/or eliminated if we stayed clear of vaccinations. And Chemtrails. Charities are particularly despicable, as they prey on the emotional integrity and pain of the majority of the gullible public. What do they do with all this tax-free money, not burdened by staff costs at the front line, with all those well-intentioned volunteers? Most charities do not pay for advertising. The quick answer is that they funnel the money into projects which actually cause cancer - perpetual profits - makes perfect business sense.
Now, where was I .... ah yes, the dastardley hazards of smoking. Try as they might (believe me they tried) not one laboratory experiment or clinical trial could prove a correlation between smoking and lung cancer. The cause of lung cancer was, is, and always shall be nuclear and chemical toxins from military/Guv experimental spraying and 'testing'. Chemtrails are the cause of increasing respiratory disease and failure, but according to the Guv' they don't exist. Every day, up in the sky, big thick bands of Chemtrails ...... nope, can't see a thing. They're con-trails, dear, contrails.
I ask you, would the Guv' and Big Pharma lie to us about smoking and lung disease? Does a banker charge interest?
The charge that smokers are causing a burden on health services, is the same ruse used to blame smokers for the effects of nuclear air pollution. Cover up. Blame the victims on their own activities for causing the problems. Besides, The Guv' makes very handsome profits from the tax on tobacco and cigarettes, which more than compensates for all the other people suffering from induced cancers and diseases caused by Big Pharma which smokers do not develop. Many, many politicians profit from Big Pharma sales, with shares, directorships and all manner of lucrative kick-backs. As do the doctors who are trained to believe that vaccinations prevent diseases and are then bombarded relentlessly by big Pharma with all manner of seductive inducements.
Were this not so, 99% of all known vaccinations and drugs would be outlawed. If health were the only criteria, they would be banned. Vaccines were developed by a Jesuit in England, who had witnessed the practice in India. Jesuits are masters of the poison cup, needle and pen. When the first Cowpox vaccines were presented in a paper to the Royal Society of Physicians in the 1800s, they were dismissed as dangerous nonsense. But it's not what you know, it's who you know and as we know to our cost .....
Smokers are now a soft target, thanks to years of preprogramming. You wait, mark my words, they'll be at the booze next and it wouldn't surprise me if they announce prohibition. Made a lot of money for these mafia types, did prohibition. Illegal anything always does and that's why they won't legalise 'drugs'. The 'opium wars' of The British East India Company have proved profitable in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq - a covert means of financing the new bases.
First they came for the smokers, I didn't smoke so I didn't care. Next they came for the unemployed, I wasn't unemployed so I didn't care. Next they came for the drivers, I didn't drive so I didn't care. Next they came for the drinkers, I didn't drink so I didn't care. After that, they came from the homeowners and I lost my job, my home and as there was no welfare, my family and I were left starving on the streets.
The entire medical profession is run on the profits made from our ill-health which is caused by the same. Trust me, they do not lose money on the deal - check the profits of Ely Lily, Glaxo, Wellcome et al - their profits are greater than most of the Worlds countries GNP. They profit from African poverty and debt. They profit from disease they create, illness and death. The latest development is the tenet that someone on life-support, for example, will be 'allowed' to continue or be 'terminated' on the sole decision of the doctor, not the familiy. To live or not to live, is a 'medical' not a 'moral' decision.
When say, Africa, cannot repay the compound interest on a loan to the IMF, the IMF insist on certain economies and changes in production. Instead of growing food to feed their people, the African Guv's are forced to switch to bio-fuels for export in payment, instead of basic healthcare provison, the African Guv' are obliged to adopt IMF's disease prevention measure of lethal vaccine imports; that's how they control and own the World and the people get sick and die.
There is a programme. The programme includes a radical reduction of the World population. Now you know how Guv' s love targets and take them very seriously. The target reduction has been rumoured to be 500 million humans left on Earth. Other figures quoted is 2 billion but my bet's on the former. Life makes a lot more sense, once we understand such plans. Wars weren't doing the job effectively and we're taking too long about it.
Check out the AIDS scam - the medication that causes AIDS. Read between the lines when Bono and Brown talk of 'African aid for health programmes' - they are talking genocide.
So why, pray, if smoking is such a profitable business for The Guv', has it gone to such lengths to push the fiction of passive smoking and the smoking ban?
There is a greater plan afoot. Firstly it is a question of controlling our lifestyle choices via an array of intrusive legislation. The smoking ban will allow Guv' to accrue fines from people smoking in their private vehicles, their homes and slap fines on them under those bloody Health and Safety Regulations. It will intrude upon family life by accusing smoking parents of 'abuse' via the grande hoax of passive smoking. It can then impose a series of measures which could lead to children being taken into care, people losing benefits, hospitals refusing treatments and ... I think you get the picture.
This is but one attack on our privacy. Further, there is profit in the additional robbery and downright temerity of actually charging smokers for a license for 'premission' to smoke, if you don't mind. Ten quid per smoker per year (or more) nets a tidy amount of dosh for the back-pocket agendas of the Guv. - funding their space missions and the UN Global Army - er, peacekeeping troops.
They also propose that the forms will be difficult to fill in and require a Doctor's time to do so which has been estimated at 25 minutes per form. This could, if Doctors and retailers succumb to the scheme, ensure later opening hours for surgeries with the Doctor's time reduced to form-filling not patient care. As I anticipated, doctors are now setting up in supermarkets. It'll be surgery next, I suppose, with the deep freezers used as mortuaries?
Are we to be recycled ala Solent Green? Is this why our livestock farming is being destroyed via Porton Down and DEFRA so we become vegetarian? I'm only kidding .... kind of.
The action of preventing people from smoking, will also render a more 'effective uptake' of the long-threatened pandemic of 'Avian Flu' which will be released via Chemtrails. The Guv's idea of efficiency, see. It appears that smokers are somewhat immune from the chemical and metallic mix being sprayed into the atmosphere - phlegm lining the lungs, acts as an impenetrable barrier.
Contrary to the press about the evils of smoking, there are benefits, as every smoker experiences. Besides which, there is not need for smokers to justify their enjoyment, as it's no-ones business but there own. And it does no harm to anyone besides the smoker and even this claim is dubious.
Because the pyjamas have been so conditioned to view smokers as social outcasts, they will not care in the least if the Guv' were to hang the lot of us. They fail, as per usual, to see the issues behind the 'smoke screen' as another serious and ludicrous attack on all of our free will choice. The Guv' always go for the 'soft targets' first - standard Military Ops in order not to startle the sheep.
There's a telling method of containing turkey's in farming. If a high fence is ringed around the turkeys, they'll make strenous efforts and suceed in flying over it to escape. However, a fence at eye level, will see them circling endlessly, trying to find the gap with no thought of flight. The best way to herd wild animals is to slowly, gently, step by step, day by day, move closure, offering inducements of food over several days. They get used to the trapper, they like the food and don't notice that they are being penned and trapped. That's us. That's the smoking issue as bait, for example. Taking the better known analogy of frogs in the pan, Guv' diktats against smoking is turning the heat up a notch, as our resistance by concession, is lowered a little more.
As with so many of the Guv's pet projects to fleece, pen, prod, tag and slaughter us, there is no foundation, evidence or proof to support any of its claims against smoking. Any more than it can scientifically prove that breathing and farting is causing 'greenhouse gas' or 'global warming'. Or that terrorists are hopping on and off trains and airports carrying explosives to blow us up. If they do (and they might) it won't be anything to do with any of us. It won't be anything to do with who the Guv says it is to do with either. Study the Military MO; look at the art of warfare. Lord knows there's enough material.
I have to laugh really, when I see all those ex-smokers, chewing gum like crazy (which will certainly lead to stomach ulcers - a precursor to cancer) and dosing themselves up on patches which will transmute god-knows-what directly into their bloodstream. Gaining gross amounts of weight, eating all the wrong foods to compensate for smoking's natural appetite and weight reduction. Putting additional strain on their hearts and lungs by lugging all that extra weight around. In the meantime, inhaling Chemtrails, against which they've lost any protection smoking provided - all for the 'good of their health'.
This last one really takes the biscuit. Smokers are concerned that their lungs are 'ageing'? Are they getting all wrinkled and grey then? Do they not know that ageing is a natural progression from birth to ... yes, death? Do they realise they are going to DIE one day, smoking or no smoking and that smoking may actually prolong their neurotic little lives?
Yes, they can picture the scene at their own autopsies. "Subject female, 55 years, hair greying at temples, wrinkled skin with mottled effect. Heavy build, 350 llbs, flaccid skin"
"Ah, let's see ..... chewing gum blocking oesophagus - possibly choked to death .... ah heart seizure due to choking ..... ruptured ulcers in stomach leading to haemorrhage .... seems to be caused by chewing gum .... smokers chewing gum. oh, but look at these ... a perfectly youthful set of lungs"
Bodies age, lungs age; shame their brains are in arrested development.
Bodies age, lungs age, but Government lies continue ....
Trust me, I'm NOT a doctor - It's never too late to start smoking!
Telling smokers "age" of lungs helps them quit
...MoreMore: http://www.hsengine.com/s?w=Patient+Care
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