Friday, December 31, 2010

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


PCOS is a common hormone imbalance that affects one out of ten
women. PCOS is both a hormonal and a metabolic disorder. Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome is a condition in which a woman's ovaries and, in some
cases the adrenal glands, produce more androgens (a type of hormone)
than normal. High levels of these hormones interfere with the
development and release of eggs as part of the ovulation process.

The periods may be few and far between, nonexistent, heavy or scanty.
This all depends on the circumstances surrounding the manifestation of
the cysts. In some women the hormonal imbalance does not allow for eggs
to be released regularly so the period will not be regular; in some the
follicle is not able to mature and reach through the thick covering of
the polycystic ovarian cysts to release eggs so there will be no period
at all. The hormonal imbalance could also influence the quantity of
blood flow during those times when the period does occur.

Symptoms vary with each person so you really need to ask questions of
your doctor and do research on your own to find a regimen that will
work best for you. Read up on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome cure and find
out that there other alternatives to getting rid of PCOS symptoms other
than drugs.

One out of every 10 women suffers from this disease. This affects the
monthly flow, fertility, hormones, heart, blood vessel and appearance
of the women. Generally women suffering from this experience elevated
levels of androgen, irregular monthly flow and their ovaries have a lot
of fluid filled cysts. As of the moment, the exact cause of the disease
is still unknown save for the fact that it can be considered as
hereditary disease because of the high probability that women who have
relatives who suffered from this disease might also have this.

Now I will tell you more about insulite PCOS system. It has been known
that the cause of Polycystic ovarian syndrome is in the insulin
resistance. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BJOG)
published that up to 41% of women that have Polycystic ovarian syndrome
( PCOS) have Type 2 Diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance by age 40.
This makes this disease more serious so it should be well monitored.

If you have recently been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian syndrome,
you may be feeling overwhelmed and scared. I felt the same upon my
diagnosis over 7 years ago. I was not informed about this condition and
it was difficult to get accurate information.If you think you may have
PCOS, please stay tuned as the next post will review how PCOS is
diagnosed; what tests are performed and what your next steps should be.

There are natural methods that have been used successfully to treat
polycystic ovarian syndrome, and they are far less dangerous then long
term use of hormonal treatments or surgery. Surgery is usually required
if a cysts grows to 6 centimeters or larger, or if a condition called
"torsion" occurs, where the cyst becomes twisted which can block the
flow of blood to the cyst and can cause severe pain.A woman's ovaries
produce an abundance of follicles; these follicles produce eggs each
month and usually only one egg matures and is released through the
fallopian tubes. The ovaries of a woman with polycystic ovarian
syndrome does not make all of the hormones necessary for any of the
eggs to fully mature, therefore no egg is released through the
fallopian tubes for fertilization.

Often spotted by light or irregular menstrual periods, or in some
cases, no periods taking place whatsoever the condition arises when
high levels of male hormones, for example, testosterone are present as
well as when there is an increase in luteinising hormones. The ovarian
follicle is prevented from maturation and instead of turning into an
egg it dies and later takes the form of a cyst. At this time a thinning
or loss of hair or to the other extreme excessive hair growth, acne,
depression and considerable mood swings may also show themselves as the
symptoms of PCOS associated with hormonal imbalance.

Read about home based business. Also read about niche marketing and telesales tips

And also read other articles by kelan grady


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