Our government stretched it's funding beyond it's ability, we are in debt.
The answer from both sides of demorepubicans agenda is to collect more money- they just argue how.
One wants to cut social programs that have been robbed and abused from the original intentions,
while the other side is willing to keep them at any cost to enjoy the socialist power over the people.
The very wealthy have so many ways to show low to no income, so they are not going to resist an increase on those that cannot hide their income to pay more taxes.
Meanwhile the socialist agenda will always want to impose a penalty on success.
The ones that will pay this increased tax are the ones who sacrificed many years to reach a professional level commanding more than 250k a year.
The very wealthy need never worry about this, they show no income and no ownership.
Their yacht is corporation property; the gas in their limo is a business expense.
The only fair tax would be retail or a tax on what is purchased not what income is made.
A new Cadillac would produce more tax money than a used VW, it would not matter who made more or what decisions brought about a personal choice.
There would be no reason to submit life choices for government approval every year if income tax was abolished as it should be.
Congress would not need to set a budget for this year if they only had the funds collected from last year to operate on.
The budget would be set and we would be saved from the debates on how each individual will be in debt for decades paying a loan they never borrowed.
The war on drugs has failed. Personal accountability and consequences determines if a person will try the lethal roulette wheel of drug abuse. Not laws.
The south will not rise again because it never fell. The confederate principles are stronger than ever.
There is about 3% of the vote that does not compromise to federal might.
Rather in the hills of Appalachia or the farmlands of the north there will always be those that believe in personal liberty and accountability.
We cannot be crushed any more than any group's values can be. Historical attempt to control thought continues to fail.
There is no boundaries to draw a line between North and South anymore- Federal rule is well established in old Dixie where socialism vs Nazism has the attention.
While anti federal thought prevails and grows in the North, east, west and south as those who consider personal liberty a value to support.
Freedom and liberty is still in our thoughts and cannot be eradicated. There are still those among us who believe in individual right over federal might.
That 3% does not need the 97% apathetic approval.
There will always be those among us who feel the choice between two evils is still evil.
Rather the majority elects the corporate power of the republicans or the union power of the democrats,
There will still be those among us that use personal accountability to govern their own decisions.
There will still be those against your kids or grand kids dying for Islam or any other foreign principle.
There will still be those that resist the blood of your kids being traded for corporate or any other benefits.
There will still be those that believe a religious choice is not a federal choice.
There will still be those who value freedom and liberty.
Personal strength does not need public approval.
The self reliant among us are not going away.
Self reliance never fell to be raised again. It cannot be crushed.
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