Sunday, May 22, 2011

Letter From Congress


     I received a  "Letter From Congress" recently. It was dated April 28th and sent by U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka, all the way from his 141 Hart Senate Office Building address in Washington, DC! I have been to Washington, DC many times, while living in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, during March For Life Rallies there each January 22nd with a Group from Holy Family Catholic Church led by Linus Riehle, driving 400 miles roundtrip and with stop in Alexandria before taking a charted Knights of columbus bus to Washinton and it was very crowded there at the Washington Mall area with speeches against Abortion, especially by Rally Leader, Nellie Gray before we marched 3 miles down Constitution Avenue all the way to the Supreme Court building! I also had an individual stop there in the 1990's after going to Traverse City, Michigan, "the Cherry Capitol of the World" for late wife Mary's niece Gloria Baum's wedding to Tony Ingersoll and then stopping for a tour of Congress in Washington D.C. and shaking hands "by chance" with Senator Ted Kennedy in an elevator, thanks to Hawaii Senator Spark Matsunaga! We then returned home to Elizabeth City, NC with late wife Mary's youngest brother driving to Fort Eustis, Virginia and then, Mary's father, Hezekiah "Hollywood" Baum doing the driving the rest of the way to Elizabeth City, North Carolina!

     The Senator Daniel Akaka's "Letter From Congress" to me  dealt with contacting him about Social Security but I don't remember writing Senator Akaka but appreciate receiving this important response letter from him! I have been on Social Security as soon as I turned 62 years old, 8 years ago! Anyway, Senator Daniel K. Akaka, who will be retiring soon, mentioned that he is a member of the "Senate's Defending Social Security Caucus," whose purpose is to ensure that Social Security continues to meet the needs of tens of millions of Americans! As a University of Hawaii Manoa's Procurement And Property Management Office Inventory Management Section Clerk Retiree, I do depend on my Social Security check, howbeit small, as I retired as soon as I turned 62 years of age to supplement my even smaller State of Hawaii retirement check, received since I turned 55 years old, many moons ago! It is Shaka Hooray that Senator Daniel Akaka is a member of this important Senate Defending Social Security Caucus and that  he is a strong supporter of Social Security,"which has been USA's most successful social insurance program!"I do have a certain degree of financial protection from this "universal, portable, defined benefit pension plan coupled with  a progressive benefit structure and annual inflation adjustment!" Also, It has helped me from falling into poverty!" I do  appreciate this "Letter From Congress" and Mahalo, Thank You Senator Daniel K. Akaka for being a Champion of Social Security! Shaka Hooray!


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