Tuesday, May 3, 2011

part 2


 When a link to
Al-Qaeda appeared on Armand Morin’s blog, I started looking at this
organization of scam artists with their thousands of websites, in a whole
different light. The first face I matched up on the FBI’s most wanted list was
Joyner’s, then Armand Morin’s, and then John Ferrero’s. I didn’t hesitate to
contact the FBI who didn’t care much to listen to me. After 3 days of phone
games I flew from Maui to Honolulu
to speak with the FBI who once again, didn’t care to speak with me. I didn’t
have the resources to purchase all of their products, crack all their codes,
sort everything out, and then offer a report to the FBI. My main concern was that
there could be an imminent threat to my girlfriend, our families, and our
country. It didn’t appear at first that the Feds acted on anything I uncovered
until over time, I found that I hit the mother load.


No one would know that all of these websites are part of an
organization. It took years to figure this out. Nothing on these sites appears
to be political or sponsoring terrorism, these people are masters at deception,
and avoid drawing negative attention. Immediately after visiting the FBI, the
sleep deprivation games began. My phone was ringing off the hook, while I was
being interrogated by my girlfriend Kristin, and every call I made would go to
voicemail. When picking up Kristin at work, I was intentionally backed into and
almost pinned against her car when I got out. The person who hit me had a SHOPO
bumper sticker on their truck. When the ambulance drivers showed up they put my
neck in a choke hold. My neighbors begin acting in a threatening manner as if
they were going to back over me every time I went outside. I caught on quickly
that Kristin was wearing an earpiece and was being told what to say in real
time. This repeated when my parents showed up out of the blue and begin
repeating the words runway and jet in every other sentence they spoke. Everyone
also avoided getting their ears wet. I was convinced I was supposed to leave
the island and return to Michigan.


Back in Michigan I was
forced by Trenton police holding a photocopy of
a non existent court order that I needed to check into Wyandotte hospital for mental therapy for a
day, which turned out to be a week of psychological games. Unable to find work,
I returned to Maui with the intention of
working at Jack’s Carpet Cleaning. A better offer presented itself with a
company called Jon Lee Carpet Cleaning. This company turned out to be another
fed orchestration, in that they lied about the work they had, every job was an
interrogation, they continually sabotaged the equipment, cleaned without
solution, and created impossible hoops to jump through until they quit
returning my phone calls. When Kristin and I finally found a new apartment, in
watching the news, I realized that ALL my info was acted on. I spotted Tony
Rezko as the person posing as Robert Johnson Rich Jerk on Youtube, as well as Bill
Ayers as Professor James Bradley, and then Mark Cuban as the Rich Jerk.


The site that first caught my attention when I began mocking
these “experts” was The Rich Jerk site. Over years the site went from a cartoon
character being the Rich Jerk, to someone posing in costume. This person now
appears to be Dallas Maverick’s Mark Cuban. Selling Rich Jerk secrets for half
price is Holly Mann (code for holy man.) The first testimonial on the Rich Jerk
site is from Mark Joyner who appears to be FBI MOST WANTED Seif Al Adel.
Joyner’s claim to fame is a book called Simpleology. (Barrac)uda Maverick Sarah
Palin’s book is Palinology. Sarah Palin’s name is short for palindrome, like
SOROS. George Soros has been credited for collapsing a number of nation’s
currencies, and thinks of himself as God. There’s even a look a like for Soros
online called Jay Conrad Levinson who sells a number of “Guerilla” marketing
and advertising books. Glenn Beck’s show covered the radicals connected to
hundreds of companies and foundations Soros is a part of. In mocking these
people online I drew them out like a magnet. I think some showed their faces
for counter surveillance, and some for pure intimidation. I figured the “runway
& jet” repetitive speech months earlier by my family had to do with the
Rich Jerk promoting a site called Stompernet which is out of Atlanta Georgia.
Stompernet employees include Brad Fallon who claims to be an airline pilot, and
Eben Pagan who was pitching a seminar on Youtube called Get Altitude. 3 Days
after going to the Honolulu FBI office, Delta, in Atlanta, grounded a ton of flights due to
“safety” reasons.


When mocking these people online I called myself The Real
Straight Shooter. Garbage was always showing up under my domains in Google
search in an effort to get me into a forum to defend myself, or have my
computer hacked. One time a movie appeared called Shooter, which is about a guy
being framed for a political assassination. I think the Feds created Jon Lee
Carpet Cleaning, from John Lee Malvo the Beltway Sniper. When I cracked this
code online, I didn’t think for a minute that I was set up to appear as if I
was involved with these people. In retrospect, Rosalind Gardner is a name close
to my first girlfriend’s mother’s name in high school 19 years ago. Jay Conrad
Levinson has Levin in it like a Senator from my home state Michigan. The list goes on and on with what
they did to make sure I would be tortured or killed if I ever cracked their
code. It was bad enough that these people were setting me up, but to have my
own government take over were they left off, is sickening. I cannot tell you
how many times people that look like these people online are sat next to me
somewhere while someone snaps a photo. If I told you the things that are done
to me on a daily basis for 3 years you’d never believe me. There’s a site
called psychologicalharassment.com that clearly explains psychological warfare
and manipulation.


Not on any Clickbank site was it stated that by purchasing
or promoting their site you would become part of a secret group of terrorists
with the goal of overthrowing the U.S. government. On the FBI’s
rewards for justice site it never said if you pinpoint the entire Al-Qaeda
organization’s, finance, playbook, network, and team roster, you and your
family will be used, violated, threatened, and destroyed. It appears to me that
the Feds forced their way into my entire family’s homes and threatened them
until they would cooperate. I believe they were forced to sign National
Security Letters, which includes lying and denying you signed one. After
signing these NSL’s they’ve all been forced to wear earpieces and speak in
riddles were regardless of what they talk about, it has double meaning to me.
These riddles are created by intelligence gathered from interviewing everyone I
have ever known in my life. I’ve heard executive order and a number of changing
reasons as to why this illegal harassment continues.


The Feds and the police have the right to investigate
anything they want. Forcing me out of Hawaii to return back to Michigan,
kidnapping me, drugging me, using me as bait, using my family as bait, making
every holiday event a tag team interrogation, controlling the Caller ID, radio,
television programming, intercepting all calls inbound and out, intercepting my
mail, changing my billing addresses, forcing me twice to get a Michigan Drivers
license while someone else steps in front of the camera, putting GPS on my
parents vehicles, not allowing me to get 1099’s, pay taxes on time, work, have
relationship, consult with Fieger Law, file a case in Detroit Federal Court,
pretend to run over me, point weapons at me, buzz the house with airplanes, all
while avoiding speaking with me every time I call a Federal agency is not how
you conduct ANY investigation. It’s nothing more than brainwashing,
discrediting me, harassment, torture, and what I would call STATE SPONSORED
TERRORISM. The unelected covert agency in charge of screwing with me sits in
the middle between everyone I know and their very own superiors selectively
editing information and sharing it with who they want, and however they want,
in order to justify an endless witch hunt. I’m tortured while being
psychoanalyzed and labeled. The feedback I got from 2 people that are on the
inside of what’s going on claim “I’m” just a civilian and cannot know what I
know, and that I embarrassed the people who do this stuff for a living.


Do you want to know who caused 9/11? In a world of
outsourcing contracts and importing oil, ask yourself one question, who
benefited from an endless war on terror and rising oil prices? To sum this up,
the internet “experts” or magicians wanted on the other page by the FBI are
spokespeople. Osama Bin Laden is a spokesperson, and symbolically the look a
like for Obama. The FBI most wanted “spokespeople” are wanted for embassy
bombing in Kenya and Indonesia, the
same places Obama has ties to. The mathematical odds are a trillion to one of
electing a president and a vice president who’s names combined have a great
deal of letter combinations as the worlds most wanted elusive terrorist,
Osama-Obama/Biden-(Bi)nla(Den.) The truth is not a matter of national security.
This is a matter of job security for those who think that their new job is to
now manipulate and control elected officials. I have no choice expect to go
public with this. Those that know me know that I hold no grudges, have no
enemies, only a long list of friends. I ask that you try and put yourself in my
position and think about mutual respect, which benefits everyone. This is all
publicly available information. If you want to live in a real democracy, follow
the 3 steps above.


This is not a conspiracy theory, this is exactly what’s
taking place. I left out the large number of fabricated stories and events that
the federal government has created over the last 3 years. All of this is taking
place in front of everyone’s faces, but no one is able to connect the dots. In
addition, there was a major implication that the majority of the media is
involved with this group. I believe the feds have also infiltrated the media to
keep a lid on this story.


Thank you and best of luck,

Aaron M Fleszar

3750 Brookshire

Trenton, MI 48183

More: http://www.hsengine.com/s_Oil+Prices.html

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