1. Skydive
2. Swim with dolphins
3. Go to the Atlantis Hotel
4. Go to the Eiffel tower.
5. Take a one month cruise
6. Attend the Olympics
7. Learn to speak a foreign
language and use it
8. Go skinny dipping
9. Be a voice actor on
10. Grow a beard
11. Send a message in a
12. Go to Egypt
13. Ride a camel
14. Plant a tree and carve
your name
15. Learn to ballroom dance
16. Ride the Trans-Siberian
Express across Asia.
17. Go to the great wall of
18. Write at least one book
19. Go to niagara falls
20. Learn to play a musical
instrument well
21. Call to make reservations
at McDonalds
22. Put a whoopee cushion
under someones door mat
23. Ask someone you’ve just
met to go on a date
24. Drive across America from
coast to coast
25. Go to every state in the
26. Write my will
27. Ride on the tallest
roller coaster
28. Find a job you love
29. Spend Christmas on the
30. Go to the grand canyon
31. Raft through the grand
32. Grow a garden
33. Scuba dive in the great
barrier reef
34. Ride in a hot hair
35. Attend a rock concert
36. Go to vegas
37. Fart in a crowded
38. Go deep sea fishing and
eat my catch
39. Visit the holy land
40. Run to the top of the
statue of liberty
41. Create a family tree
42. Catch a baseball that
lands in the stands
43. Learn to bartend
44. Play celebrity ding dong
45. Spend a year in Italy
46. Start a dance party with
a Barbie radio
47. Ride in an elevator and
refuse to get off
48. Stay awake for 72 hours
49. Kiss underwater
50. Kiss in the snow.
51. Learn how to surf
52. Go hang gliding
53. Join a triathlon
54. Get married
55. Go to the four corners
56. Donate blood
57. Randomly walk into
Victoria’s Secret and start looking at bras and ask the clerk what size I am
58. Hang out with all my
friends one last time before leaving for college
59. Start a food fight
60. Be able to tell my
grandkids “back when I was a kid” stories
61. Ride in a limo
62. See the northern lights.
63. Ride a horse on the beach
64. Watch every James Bond
65. Build a snow cave.
66. Go see the Phantom of the
67. Spend the night in a
haunted house
68. Sleep outdoors watching
the stars.
69. Brew my own beer
70. Learn to throw a
71. Build a tree house.
72. Give a homeless person my
73. Rent a house boat for a
couple months
74. Build something that will
outlast you
75. Go to a mattress store in
my pajamas
76. Cut my own hair
77. Protest against something
78. Leave a love note on a
79. Build a giant sandcastle
80. Help out at a soup
81. Smile at 100 strangers
82. Take a first aid course
83. Get all Nintendo systems
84. Write my favorite author
85. Make a kite and fly it
86. Test drive a car I can’t
87. Swim with sharks
88. Make out with a girl
89. Bungee jump
90. Do the classic water
bucket on a door prank.
91. Suck I some helium and
run through the mall with a friend that has a British shirt on yelling “The
British are coming!!” and my other friend yelling “I’ll get you, you
92. Start a band
93. In an elevator, crack open my briefcase, peer inside and ask “Got enough
air in there?”
94. In an
elevator, stand silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without
getting off.
95. In an
elevator, when arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open,
then act as if you’re embarrassed when they open themselves.
96. In an elevator, meow occasionally.
97. In an
elevator, stare at another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror:
“You’re one of THEM” - and back away slowly
98. In an elevator, say -DING at each floor
99. In an
elevator, say “I wonder what all these do?” And push all the red buttons.
100. In an
elevator, make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
101. In an
elevator, stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce: “I
have new socks on.”
102. In an
elevator, when the elevator is silent, look around and ask: “Is that your
103. In an
elevator, when there’s only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the
shoulder, then pretend it wasn’t you.
More: http://www.hsengine.com/s_learn+how+to+kiss.html
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