Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jared "Jerry" Kaufmann's Phone Call


     Yesterday was sadness for me! I felt sad knowing from Be-Jay Kodama '86 (Chaminade's Alumni Relations Officer) that Jared "Jerrry" Kaufmann '62, my Chaminade Alum friend "went to be with the Lord this past Tuesday while in Intensive Care at Moanalua Kaiser Hospital" and he won't be bowling with me anymore in the Saturday Ohana 875 Mixed Handicap League at Leeward Bowl in Pearl City. I have history with Jared as he ran the Chaminade Mixed Five Bowling League at various bowling alleys in Honolulu and my late wife Mary and I bowled 9 years, if I remember correctly,back in the 1980's, in that Alumni bowling league mixed with Chaminade Alumni and "friend bowlers,"  we won the championship in 1982 with Mary,Team Captain,Me, Ham from UH Manoa PPMO office, where I worked in the Inventory Mgmt, John from Manoa Neighborhood Board with me and  Saint Louis high school "Fifty Niner Classmate," Magruder!  It was Jared, who brought me back into bowling at Leeward Bowl. He was someone that I could talk with and we encouraged each other to bowl better! Jared sometimes wore shirts with bowling sayings or his Maryknoll high school shirt (He was a teacher and school Principal there) and he also brought a bowling ball bag with his two bowling balls. Jerry had a 162 Book Average and ended up with a 164 bowling average with a high game of 207!

     Team Captain #2 Henry Alalamua told me yesterday about "Jared "Jerry" Kaufmann's Phone Call" to him on this past Monday and Jared told him that I should be a regular bowler for the new bowling season, starting April 9th! Then, Jared died the next day! The game plan was for Jared and his son, Michael as the new bowler addition, would be regular bowlers and I would only be a substitute bowler. Now, no Jared and Jared's son, Michael won't be allowed to bowl after all because he has a bowling bowl average of 197, 5 years ago and that's too high of an average in this family bowling league! My answer to Henry was that I will continue to bowl with him as a "Regular Bowler" with Henry's 11 year old son, Henry Junior, Mel and Henry's anchor bowler daughter,Siolo for the team lineup on the team but Henry may be adding another good bowler that he knows of to round out his team.

     Last night after hearing about "Jared "Jerry" Kaufmann's Phone Call," to Henry, our team captain this past Monday, I tried to bowl as best as I could but could only manage to bowl 112, 118 and 95 with my bowling average now at 103, up from a 99 bowling average with a high game of 146 and  I am hopeful of bowling a 150 game next week, our last week of regular bowling! Siolo did bowl a 223 in the second game and won Jackpot, I think. Final Scores: 1028 to 939, 1053 to 950 and 1103 to 872. We lost all three games to  Team #8, Jim Pagdilao with their leadoff bowler Paul Hill bowling 202, 197 and 258 and anchor bowler Steven Lee bowling 202, 232 and 190!
Maybe we will regroup and do better next week, our final week and "Position Round," and I will get that elusive "150" bowling game! Good Bye Jared, "Jerry" and give me "a little luck next week with the Lord's blessing" to get that 150 game!

JERRY - Frankie Kam  Special Friend, Jerry, Know Of Maroon & Gold Maryknoll Forty years Of Service There Teacher/Principal, Bowler Extraordinaire
Michelle Kula, His Late Wife Battling Stress And Strife Jared & Michael, His Sons, Full Of Energy, Fun And Please Don't Forget Daughters Christine And Collette  Jared "Jerry" Kaufmann, Like For His Teacher/Bowler Spike!

More: http://www.hsengine.com/s_Bowl+Games.html

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