Had to take a few days off, I put the rain gauge up Sat 3pm at Mon 2pm I had measured 7 1/2 inches of rain. We just missed a few tornados to our south in Stone county and to our west in Webster co. When it rains real hard we loose our dish for tv, so B and I just play Yahtzee. We were playing the other day and I found a sight that had sounds to play.. Oscar was lying asleep on the sofa "upsidesdown as always" so I play the sounds of cats meowing , fighting, kittens . Dogs barking. growling. I even played wolves , Oscar just lays there asleep, he is used to me haha. Bout that time I get 5 5s Yathzee. Brenda looks and groans "arr" Oscar jumps up runs to the window and starts barking . haha..I set my clothesline post just before the rain started so they should be ready to use now. No book yet Shaun. We have a bowl of ham , a tuperware dish full of meatloaf, unopened balogna, and smoked porkchops in the fridge. Cody is yelling a his mother because there is no good food," traslation" no pizza or hot pocketts.. I have bought the front wheel bearing for the car, I have to replace it before we take him north for summer break. My arm is about half useable so I guess I'll know how close I am when I fix the car. I posted a poem on a picture of cumberland falls I had wrote for Brenda, " I never left all I knew to be with you I left all I never knew to be with the other part of me". That rings so true I really never knew how many people I knew who never give a sh-t if I lived or died....I guess if you have one good friend then you are doing better than average...I have one. I love you Brenda.. We heard an owl lastnight was right outside for bout 2 hrs. He was about where our new pond is . I plan to fix the back wall so we can keep the pond there. I will post a picture of it..Oscar got groomed Monday secound time in 3 weeks , the first lady just did not know what she was doing...
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