Friday, March 18, 2011

Shadow Government, Shadow Banking, Get Internet Access Even...



Bruce’s Poor Man Survival Bulletin

Your choice for urban survival resources

In This Issue:

1. The world of shadow banking

2. Get internet access-even if the government shuts it down

3. Sites to sell your handmade goods, crafts & art

4. Surfing the web anonymously

5. 10 Offbeat ways to be more frugal

6. Make ice cream from snow video

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.
--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Security in an insecure world…

As chaotic events unfold in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere, many ask “how does that affect me?” Other than the sudden spike in oil prices, predicted to rise 10 cents a gallon by March, most Americans pay little attention.

Even during WWII most Americans on the home front have been pretty well insulated from the ravages of war, revolution and international turmoil. We’ve been involved with wars during much of my life and see little in terms of rationing or sacrifice among our citizens. The absolute worst effect has been the loss of life among our military families and that is never taken lightly.

As I indicated in the previous issue…many people, in many countries have become angry over their domestic rulers and economic plight. The rumblings of financial chaos have only started in this country. On a related note…

Wikileaks founder was interviewed on 60 Minutes this past Sunday and I think its founder remained a pretty cool cucumber under questioning from Steve Kroft. What is perhaps more interesting was his take on journalism or should I say, lack of in this country and the fact his crew has more potential bombshells to reveal. Assange has upset the establishment apple cart and political leaders have called for his head to be delivered on a pike. Perhaps this is just another form of insecurity among our so-called leaders and some suggest he’s responsible for much of the turmoil.

I believe that to be nonsense and there is little doubt our own media have fallen down on their jobs as watchdogs of Washington. See the interview here:

Read the full post at:


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