I am responding to the IDIOT who sent me a letter to DENOUNCE any responsibility by the current board for the condition of education and the physical condition of our school buildings. This person claims that the Board Members are "UNAWARE" of the problems in our district, because, according to this person, "THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY TO DAY BUSINESS AT THE SCHOOLS." According to the writer, it is the responsibility of the Administration. WELL, WHO THE HELL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, THE PRESIDENT OF THE US, OR MAYBE THE ENTIRE CONGRESS AND SENATE? Here is the way it is SUPPOSED TO WORK......You vote for candidates (with the help of local politicos,..e.g. the 10th member of the board, with their BIG has been noses in our business) they are elected to make policy and hire administrators whom they are responsible for. The administration then institutes the POLICIES made by the Board members. The teachers and non teaching staff report to the administration WITH THE OVERSIGHT (IF IT WORKED AS IT SHOULD) of the board of directors. This board is supposed to dedicate at least one meeting a year to discuss and review the SUPERINTENDENTS progress for the year. Have any of you ever seen a review of OUR administrator? The answer is NO! So therefore, our head administrator is operating without any oversight from the board, until MONEY needs to be spent, or a RELATIVE needs a job, THEN they seem to get involved. So, this letter writer needs to stop apologizing and making excuses for the LACK of LEADERSHIP from our elected board members, that is causing the deterioration of our education system in our schools. .PLEASE CONSIDER FINDING AND THEN VOTING FOR GOOD, CARING PEOPLE WHO HAVE A STAKE IN SEEING OUR SCHOOLS REACH THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF MODERN DAY EDUCATION. CANDIDATES "NOT" CONNECTED TO ANY BACK DOOR POLITICIANS WHO WILL THEN COME CALLING FOR WHAT THEY WANT. THIS THEN INTERFERES WITH THE JOB AT HAND....EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN.
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