Friday, March 25, 2011

A look inside "Living with someone with autsim


Ok i am writing this for those of you who want to know what it is like living with someone with autism and for those of you who think you know what it's like but have not ever had to live with it yourself, i am blogging this to fill you in on what it is really like. A long look inside my life as a mother of a child with autism.  Everyday is full of surprises some are good and some are not so good.  I think forest gump said it best "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get"  this is so true when living with someone with autism.  Some days are good some are bad.  The good comes with the bad, sometimes the bad is really bad.  Every day i wake up and wonder what the day will hold.  I never count of good or bad days i just look forward to seeing my beautiful kids.  Only one of my children has autism, he also has other disabilities to boot.  Everyday we have to eat meals at the same time he has to go to bed at the same time. If this is changed it can cause tantrums and meltdowns.  Spring and fall when the time changes really upsets him, this can also cause meltdowns Everyday trips to the store are very hard,the humming of the lights or heating or air that we really pay no attention to can trigger a tantrum.  One day he began to tantrum in a store and i had to get him out of the store.  While taking him out a man said can't you control your child, i then responded my son has autism and acts the way he does for a reason.  What's your excuse.  I know i should have handled the situation differently, but because things were so bad i said the first thing i thought of.  I should not have to ask for anyone to excuse my son's behavior or to be patient with him but i will continue to do so because ppl refuse to educate themselves about this disability.  My son throws tantrums and has many meltdowns.  Tantrums with my son is like most other kids, kicking, screaming and crying.  Meltdowns include throwing things, bitting, pinching, hitting, and being very aggressive toward self and others.  My son is not rude or naughty and it has nothing to do with discipline.  He acts the way he does because of his autism.  Most ppl that rarely see my son never witness a true meltdown.  It is those closest to him that know what a true meltdown is.  A day with my son can include many laughs, tears, and fears esp when he darts toward a road.  He does not understand the dangers of the world as we do.  He does not realize that if he runs off he could get lost and not be able to get back home or back to me.  He does not realize that if he runs into a road he could get hurt.  Things we take for granted everyday he may never experience.  He may never be able to live own his own.Living with someone with autism is hard to say the least but i think that my son is a blessing.  He may not be able to talk like we do and he may not understand emotions like we do, but he is a very happy and healthy child.  He can not tell me when he feels bad or when his head hurts, he does not communicate those things and really has difficulty in school.  He is very loving and loves life.  My son can be happy one minute and mad the next, gentle one minute to aggressive.  You never know what to expect with a person with autism.  Our life everyday is lived moment to moment.  I have to be there for him 24 hrs a day.  There are no days off,My son needs me all the time and can never be left to do as he wants by himself.  He must always be watched constantly.  My son is very happy and full of life.  He has shown me the meaning of true joy. Yes living with someone with Autism is very difficult and you always have to be on your toes and ready to change at any given moment.  But if life was easy it wouldn't be worth living now would it.  I know that my son loves unconditionally, he does not judge someone on the color of their skin or whether they are beautiful or not,  he just loves life to the fullest.  If only we all could see things through the eyes of these special children the world would be a much better place. One more thing, please don't tell me your sorry for my son's disability,  i am not sorry.  I feel very blessed that God decided to bless me and trust me with such a special child.


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