Barack Obama’s agenda of big government, big spending, big unions and big debt are driving the American economy to never-before-imagined levels of disaster. Every decision he makes poisons our nation. To save America, we must do the exact opposite of everything Obama has done. Let’s go down the list:
1. Obama has wasted $787 billion on a failed stimulus package and trillions more on bailouts.
He is committing generation theft, drowning our children and grandchildren in unsustainable debt. Now he wants more. We should ban stimulus, bailouts and earmarks. They are nothing more than pork barrel spending to buy votes and reward cronies.
2. Obama is imposing the biggest tax increase in American history, placing most of the burden on small business owners.
We should do the opposite. Taxpayers and entrepreneurs are the heroes of our economy because they create most of our jobs and tax revenue. We should reward them with a one-year income tax vacation. The cost would be about the same as Obama’s failed stimulus fiasco and would turn this economic Armageddon into a great economic boom.
3. Obama has dramatically increased the size, scope, power and spending of government.
We should repeal the unconstitutional healthcare law and dramatically decrease the size of government. We should cut overpaid government employees by the millions, stop all raises, and reduce their obscene salaries/pensions that are bankrupting America.
4. Obama does not believe in states’ rights.
He has ordered the U.S. government to sue Arizona for its new immigration law. We should kill the lawsuit, secure the borders, enforce immigration law and respect states' rights as the Constitution demands.
5. Obama is spending billions on our failing public education system solely to reward his teachers’ union campaign contributors.
We should eliminate the Department of Education and transition government out of this area. In the interim we should move education funding to the state and local level, encouraging vouchers to give parents the freedom to pursue alternatives such as home-schooling, private, charter and religious schools. We should abolish public employee unions and restore to administrators the ability to hire, fire and grant raises based on performance.
6. Obama is asking the Federal Reserve to print ever-more money, devaluing our currency and stealing our savings.
We should audit the Fed, making it transparent and accountable to the people.
7. Obama responded to the Gulf oil disaster with an oil-drilling moratorium costing 100,000+ jobs.
Obama’s tragic solution destroys the Gulf economy and makes America more dependent on foreign oil. We should do the opposite, by encouraging more offshore drilling — and allow it closer to shore, where disasters can be more easily prevented.
8. Obama has treated our allies harshly, while appeasing evil rulers that support terrorism.
We should treat friends (Great Britain, Israel) with respect and not give enemies (Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela) the time of day. We should also eliminate foreign aid to dictatorships across the globe.
9. Obama is expanding the war in Afghanistan.
The war's original purpose and goals have been long since forgotten. Bring our brave soldiers home.
10. Obama has continually violated the Constitution.
This is highlighted by his hate for guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens and his refusal to investigate the Black Panthers for voter intimidation. We should respect and follow the Constitution.
11. Obama has named czars to oversee every aspect of American’s personal and business lives.
The people Obama has appointed as czars and much of his Cabinet all ascribe to the Far-Left, pro-communist progressive cult of Saul Alinsky. We should fire them all and ban the word "czar" forever.
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