Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beat The Game


Some people in this world view life as just a game in which we
were suddenly placed in as characters fighting through obstacles and
being victorious or depressingly losing at. And this game of life,
this one game which everyone in the world plays, is the single most
difficult game anyone could ever play.

During life, there is the game of love. And our roles in this game is
well familiarized to many. There are the “players” whose goal is to get
with as many girls as possible while playing with their emotions. There
are the “sluts” using their bodies and flirting ways as assets to get
as many guys as possible. There are the “nice guys/girls” who seem to be
the ones who are always finishing last as they climb an uphill battle
from the very start. There are the “cheaters” who breaks your heart and
the rarest of all, there is “the one”, who you search for constantly.
And there are thousands of other titles such as “the one who got away”,
“the first crush”, “the good looking ones”, “the good personalities”,
and many more.

We strategic by playing “hard to get”, or try to “win their hearts”.
Losing is when our hearts shatters into a thousand pieces and we have
won when that feeling that we’ve always heard about is finally felt for
someone. This game of love, it continues on for the rest of your life. 

And in this life we live, we probably face the toughest opponents
that not even the greatest storytellers and directors can come up with.
We have enemies where hatred consumes us. There are rivals in sports,
school, and at work. And sometimes our opponents is the people we love
such as our friends and family. But the toughest and scariest opponent
that we face and rarely defeat is the demons and monsters from within
ourselves. They tear at our very souls making us feel closed off from
the rest world as if we were chained within an cell that would even
making the greatest escape artists claustrophobic. They make us the
victim of their torturous acts, suffering in silences as the world
passes by. In this game of life, the monsters we face are impossible to
just escape. 

There are times when we feel so lost in this game of life that it
feels like we’re in a maze that is actually making us go in circles.
There are times when we have the greatest poker faces as we deceive the
people with a fake smile to hide the pain and distress that we feel
inside. There are times when we feel like it’s taking too long to reach
their goals that they try to search for a ‘pause’ button, not realizing
this is a game that does not stop, not even for you. There are times
when we try to ‘cheat’ to try to get ahead, but there is not cheat codes
for this game. Finally, there are times when we feel like giving up,
and sadly some of us manages to find the “exit” button ending their game
of life forever. 

So if life is a game, then there should be parts of it which you’ll
breeze by while others should be difficult. That means you’re suppose to
fail every so often, but it doesn’t mean you should just stop playing.
There will be things that will seem impossible to get through, and
things will continuously change as time
goes by, but that doesn’t mean to forget all you learn already. The
most important thing to remember in this game of life, is to keep
playing. No matter what, continue to keep playing this game of life
because believe me, it will be rewarding. And at the end of this game,
when you will be able to look at it all, you will feel proud of who’ve
you met along the way, all you accomplished, and all you went through as
you beat every challenge that came your way. So try beating this game
of life by being happy when you take your very last breath and it’s “game over”


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